(no subject)

Feb 08, 2009 00:02

Rick is moving in with KK so they can start to save money for the baby. This will only last for three and a half months, so I hope we can put up with it. The other girls saw more of a problem in my insistence that we recycle than in another human being sharing our household. They also want to buy a bigger fridge. On the plus side we meddled with rents a little so the other three of us will now pay 30 less a month while KK and Rick split 100 more a month than she's paying now.

Jens and I are cleaning up our places this weekend in preparation for my parents' arrival on Wednesday! And we're going to the States in less than four weeks. Plans are falling into place for what we're doing while the 'rents are here though I still have to make an itinerary for their Thursday while I work. Also I'm not sure what we'll be doing Saturday- probably taking the DART somewhere like Howth. Perhaps a tour of Newgrange. Mom was thinking of renting a car and driving three hours away but I talked her out of it.

Today I cleaned up my whole room: straightened, organized and dusted. Tomorrow I'll vacuum the whole house then go help Jens with anything he needs at his place. I can't wait to see my parents and show them the city I've come to know over the past year and a half.

family, to do, apartment, grad

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