I'm coming home!
March 7-21 I'll be in the States, and I'm bringing Jens with me- first on the East Coast for a week, then to Denver on the 14th. We have to see his friends in NY, my family and friends in NY, not to mention the reason I'm initially going there- my cousin's bar mitzvah- and my friends in Boston, and then I show him around home for a week where he meets the most influential friends in my life and sees where I grew up. Clay's even booking a flight to be home at the same time. I'm taking one week off work, because the second week (Paddy's week) was given to us as holidays (unpaid, I think) because the actual holiday falls on a Tuesday.
No cover work this week. But over the weekend I did discover something wonderful- TGI Friday's magical buffalo wing sauce is nothing more than Frank's Red-Hot (plus butter), which I know I've seen in the Fresh near my house. And I got the letter from TCD with my official MPhil pass (forwarded from home), and got to the embassy, who did hold on to my passport (the dude said it was so they could figure out how it got damaged in this way... I figure if it's not destroyed, it'll be put into the same place Indiana Jones's ark went)- but anyway the new passport should be mailed to me in less than ten days, at which point I go to the Gardai and show them my TCD pass letter and my new passport with the ugly all-american artwork on the pages and get myself a 6-month graduate-scheme work visa.
this article puts into very understandable words the reason no one should be hopeful for a solution to the, how do I put it, disagreements between Israel and Hamas.
The doctor who's seen me for the past year and a half at TCD wants me to go back to the psychiatrist who keeps telling me "you're of a reproductive age, so you should wean yourself off of everything in preparation for the future" but Dr. H insisted I see her before I go. And she also promised to look up the two ADD specialists she knows of, which is cool.