
Sep 06, 2008 12:04

latest decision in regards to thesertation:
1) I need either like four monitors or one really really huge one so I can see several pages of this thing at once.
Preferably it'd be separate monitors and I'd have non-adjoining pages on separate monitors, so I could drag paragraphs from one section to another at will. This would need someone special to talk it through with the computer first, I'm sure. Unless I just had four separate copies of it up... but then when I dragged stuff into, say, the master copy I'd have to search through it and delete the parts that got dragged from other places...
As you can see, I procrastinate by figuring through logistics. If I had a huge screen I'd display four pages on one frame but the screen'd be big enough to read the words. Almost as good. The best I can do is to print it. Not a bad idea, anyway, having a hard copy of what I've got so far.
2) I want a formatting option for MS Word that automatically excludes block quotes from the word count.

I've got, eh, 3300-ish minus the quotes. In that introductory meeting in May Jeff gave 4k as a bottom limit -- though for me he said I might flip the intro (6k) and analysis (4k) numbers cause mine's so interview-dependent. But then later in the same meeting he said I have so much to introduce that I may need the 6k for the intro. So basically, I'm just going to get my 15,000 words however they come out. Re analysis, I still have the entire Motivations heading to write, though I think I've at least brushed on every other section.

It's farmers' market day and I'm desperately out of food; in addition I'm going to investigate one more potential quaich place if I go out. But I had to write yesterday off as mostly a loss in terms of writing, and I'm going at a decent clip on this writing right now. If I need not to leave, then I won't leave. I'll get food at Tesco, and if K goes out I'll ask her to look at the quaich sitch.

Giving Google Chrome a try, seeing as how my boyfriend works for Google and all. What'll take some getting used to is the lack of accessories on the top and bottom of my browser.

internet, dissertation, to do

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