Jul 18, 2008 11:46
I met some random Filipino guy on the DART who was going to the same stop I was. After 20 minutes of random conversation, he asked for my number- I felt awkward so I gave him a wrong number. Just didn't see the benefit in talking to him again. I tell you, this long-term stress stuff messes with my conscience and my brain.
Sean, the dude with the chair, said he'd invite me to BBQs with the American community here. I'm in! The chair was light enough that I didn't feel like bothering with a taxi and just slung it over my shoulder. Now I'm sitting on something with wheels and arms and swivels and adjustable height! Transportation included, it cost me half of what I'd pay for a new one, and I also gained a contact.
What I really need to do right now is refine my interview questions, make sure they'll get answers I want, then get to city centre early to make sure I can find cassette tapes, then go interview Johanna. Afterwards, I'll pick up my 'scripts, come home and take a bath. Then it'll be dinner time. :). It's SO distracting to be twitterpated! I need to learn to put that aside during work time.
to do