your empty glass is but a tear-filled eye

Feb 09, 2008 16:20

happy birthday to mr. david L, erstwhile cairo boy. as we are on speaking-often terms these days, he received a skype call this evening and was happily surprised to hear it was me. area code 000 is the intarwebz. it was cut short, though, since he has a cold so every time he speaks he starts coughing.

Yesterday: Rocky Horror with Karolina. She doesn't finish work til about 8 and the show here started at 9, so between dinner and getting ourselves Rockyed out we showed up about half an hour late. Taxi drivers, by the way, really ought to know the city they're driving in- the clubs, the streets- don'tcha think? Anyway, we got there just in time for the Time Warp. Karolina had a grand aul' time and I'm so disappointed that the next one doesn't happen until June. After the show, we decided to go out and met two guys who flirted with us all the way to the club, bought us drinks, then got ditched when they didn't follow us to the dance floor. K and I were showered with compliments from foreigners; she insists it was a language school night out. After BK fries, we hopped in a person-pulled rickshaw (as opposed to the bike ones) with a guy who spoke about 15 words of English (numbers 1 to 10 included), got home and crashed. In the morning: an exhibition at the art gallery two doors down from Goldsmith. This dude is a micro-artist, making creations that fit in the eye of a needle. No, seriously, check it out.
after that, we did what I do every Saturday: farmers' market! K now also loves the cheese guy from Cavan and Gus from Mexico. It was sunny and mild all day today: muy bonito! In the evening, Josh and I went to the Lightwaves exhibit in the new Science Gallery that's 15 feet from my door. The door out of the residence, anyway.

Left to do this weekend: lesson planning and making a presentation on some semanticsy article about why you can change unbounded verbs (that have no result state inherent in their meaning) into bounded by using an adjective in English but not in Greek. ("She beat the metal flat," for example, is fine in English but not in Greek.) Perhaps the museum of modern art with Josh, if schedules permit.

Mitt Romney's no longer running for president, and jon stewart says good riddance here: is this out of a conservative-speech mad lib book?
Almost as good: Colbert and Huckabee on winning Texas

good day, farmers' market, friends, out, links, birthdays, rocky, art

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