Jan 24, 2008 11:06
I dreamed last night that I had a friend who was keeping dozens of kittens in her mother's closet, crowded into baskets and dollhouses among Fraggle toys. I let them out and released a frog among them to catch and eat. The toilet overflowed and when I tried to search online for a plumber in Lakewood, I got sent to Snapfish instead. I was panicking, then realized "I don't have to feel awful about this. This is a dream. I'll just wake myself up." I got an hour less of sleep than I wanted, but it was time to get up.
today: restocking the fridge and shelves. then class, then a lecture on animal homosexuality as part of Rainbow Week, and then celebrating with Karolina: she's finished her essays, and I've finished my first week of work! (Last night went better than Monday. Five students, all the same as Monday, and I've found they're slower at reading than at speaking. Listening's strong, though, just as strong as conversation.)
to do