not to mention ben, jerry, and j. jamey + son

Nov 09, 2007 22:09

i love early nights with hot soup, warm milk, and rosemary polenta.

race tomorrow. two races is the plan, if it's not too windy to row. here's hoping I can stroke two 4ks at a 34!!
afterwards, we are going to party in finest rower style

also, the They has spread MANURE all over the barren areas outside the sports hall where in summer there was grass.
First it sat in a pile for two days ripening... and just when I prayed they'd take it away, it got spread.
the stuff smells worse than the bluest cheese out there, and I'm going to have to deal with it daily on my walk to just about anything until the stench goes away. I truly don't know how much they had to pay the dude who was doing the spreading. Whoooo-ew.

tcd, bitchery, crew

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