(no subject)

Jul 14, 2007 16:11

Relay was... Relay. Every year it's meaningful, and every year we're surprised by how much we raise and the amount of dedication shown. I was up until 12 walking, 1:30 talking to Dan and Lynda, up again at 5 for the sunrise ceremony and runners' laps. I only managed a mile jogging, and on my first cooldown lap one of the runners lapping me yelled "Go Brandeis." Color me pleasantly surprised. Clay, Emma, and Mike all showed up in the evening, too, which made me happy.

overnight, I dreamed first that David was short and less attractive, and spoke Spanish-accented English, and then that he was tall but good-looking. At first I was surprised, but got used to each change.

When I slept right after I got home, I dreamed about traveling across the country with Sarah R and someone else (Sharon?) and arguing whether we'd follow the river or the road. I didn't want to take the river because there were RAPIDS and our stuff would get wet.

Finally, during my second nap of the day, I dreamed that I missed my last flight back from the Deis. Spent a long time agonizing in the dream, but finally realized it wasn't real before I had to go looking for another flight or calling home to explain.

Can anyone tell me how to spell (in the Roman alphabet) the Yiddish word that sounds like "fachotted"?
It describes the sleep schedule I've just created for myself, and I want to use it on my facebook status.
The closest guess that I'm finding is far-tshadikt... is that it?

I'm realizing just how different Z & A are from each other -- she spends probably half of her life on the phone, while at the moment Z is playing Risk in the basement with his droogs.

You know what they say about opposites.

dreams, family, relay, translations

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