happy fourth, all

Jul 04, 2007 23:43

+ the rockies won 17-7
+ Clay brought me to the game in the 21st row diRECTly behind home plate
+ scored the last margarita served at the end of the 7th
+ the fireworks were spectacular
+ i got wonderful pictures of them
+ as we walked to the car, nature set off a bunch of fireworks on her own -- also fantastically lovely
+ participating in an impeach bush "rally" of about 15 people with signs. we got a lot more honks than fingers.

- I have 500 words of assignment to write before tomorrow morning. gotta look up Real Life things i will do to find inspiration as a teacher (conferences, observing, volunteering, etc).
- Mom and I have been at each other's throats all day
- I didn't get to sleep in since aforementioned and I took a brisk morning walk
(ETA 2:05am) - another email from Trinity. Still no transcript. However, at least Jacinta emailed me back this time. I asked her for the address of her office in case I or the Deis got it wrong the first time.

las' night:
++ hanging with clay and jo
+ dinner with clay and jo
+++++ ratatouille with clay and jo. very sweet. very funny. a little bit synaesthetic!

in future:
+++++++++++++++ RODRIGO Y GABRIELA AT RED ROCKS, SEPTEMBER 2. People, come with me. You will not be disappointed.

rockies, friends, movies, family, celta, music

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