1) they didn't expect me at work. but I'm sure they were glad to have me, 'cause they got busy. They have matzah for sandwiches!
This one guy, right... "Lwobstah bisque. And the chicken salad with creeanberries and wualnuts... can you put it on some mutza?"
Tiago: "Sorry, on what?"
"Mutzah, to make a sandwich."
me: "Maaatzah. Of course."
several people came in and asked for chicken or tuna salad on matzah. I refrained from telling them that I'm sure the mayonnaise in it is not KFP. I don't know that it's my place, and anyway if they don't know, it's nothing more than dust of the earth to them.
We also had a lady, turning out to be vegan (oh, you'll see) who ordered honey mustard on her sandwich before asking if it had dairy. Turns out it has anchovies. Mrs Boss had to start the sandwich over again after she'd very nearly finished. Then she asked about the minestrone after it had been placed out for her. And finally, when she went to pay for her combo she seemed to have thought she received, and should pay for, half of a small sandwich. Lady, a small is half of a large and that's what you pay for. There is no such thing as charging for half of a small sandwich. WTF.
Also, the first emo teenager/mother combo I've seen in a good while. "Moooommmmm, my body isn't telling me I'm hungry, you don't have to act like a bitch!"
As always, I worried about the instinct of popping chametz into my mouth before I realized, and as always it was an unfounded worry. I drink seltzer all day, that's all. I even have KFP gum now, due to...
shopping with becky! We went to Stop-n-Shop, complete with "PASSOVER SUPERSTORE" -- a whole shelf of kosher Coke, and everything else half off because the holiday's already started and everyone (else) has stocked up. yaaaaay.
afternoon row was even crummier. and then I came home and made eggplant parmatzah,
meandthemajor came over, and we watched Mythbusters. Tomorrow's matzah lasagna with the team. And tomorrow we get to sleep in until 7, too! red-letter day.