last for so long

Mar 08, 2007 06:36

dreamed about cairo boy!! back when I tried to do that it never worked.
in the dream, he came back early, while I was still at school I think, and there was much rejoicing.
then I dreamed that allig_710 gave backrubs so good she should have been sainted. the permanent knots were gone from my back within a minute.
something about a lot of desserts, and a guy who did magic. we wanted to figure out his secrets.

radiator sloshed at 5am and woke me up. guess I need to call the damn oil company.

eta after practice: OW.
on the upside, I don't have class again until next week because tomorrow's taken up by GBAC all day! and since it's at tufts, I get to hang with Z and meet his GF, too. and see Tasha in Lysistrata. yay!

tenacious f, over and out

dreams, apartment, sore

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