rain, again!

Nov 12, 2006 13:43

I am soaked through and throo. it is raining, hard, and I had to walk to Shapiro from Grad with no more cover than my varsity sweatshirt. my jeans have no dry spots at all!
however, I have a ticket to Seussical, which was the goal.

also, I think I took two hundred pictures of initiation. And most of them are really, really good.

A bunch of UTC alumni have been invited to the Seussical production and have brought their ickle kiddies! It's really cute to see Jewbabies running around Shapiro. But Java City isn't open, so I'll be going hungry for a while.

this is the girl who taught my beginners continued Irish class in UCD.... she was arrested for speaking Irish in Belfast.

today: seussical, home, ling homework, watching 2 movies for French (3 Hommes & un couffin AND 3 Men and a Baby, to compare).... TCFI, and sleep. or something. anyway, the line's forming to get into seussical now. i'm away.
eta: seussical, home, breakdown, shower, tcfi (coffeehouse ran late), and NOW (10:15pm) two movies. the ling homework gets done during Billy & break tomorrow. je rame, à peine.

musicals, rain, imts, initiation

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