a day!

Nov 11, 2006 01:06

didn't end up going to sarah's party. much, much too pooped.

other than that, a good and productive day. at Fun Day, Your Mom (us) tied with Peanut Butter for first, with HooRah in a close second. first suicide sprints i've ever done.

then i did nothing, french homework, appt, turned in french, 2nd workout, talked with septicidal, went to town, bought new sneakers (yessss) and a CD on sale at Tower (refrained from buying Kinky Boots, seeing as how they were asking thirty freaking dollars for it), came home on a packed bus, ate a full meal, was too exhausted to even consider going to sarah's party. that's where i am now. off to bed!!

tomorrow: workout (maybe as frisbee), seussical at 2, roomcleaning, BC game (that's the crew fundraiser), and INITIATION.

tired, parties, to do, crew

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