pas mal du tout

Nov 09, 2006 18:23

i am currently buzzing on a free stein beer. i had a dinner of greasitude (with short vegetal interruptions), also for free. newmini scaled the balcony totally indana jones style (throwing a loop of buckled-together belts around the railing and pulling himself up by it) during english today, and i joined him the old-school up-the-stairs open-the-locked-door-for-me way. the sun came out during the afternoon, marking the first time i'd seen it in a week (i know i kvetched all about it for a while, but you really don't realize just how important something that lovely is until it reappears after a noticeable absence). Seeing buildings lit by the sun brightened my smile just that much more. De plus, I FOUND the checkbook that has been missing for the past ... month? If i were to recount where I'd found it, I might die of embarrassment; just let it be known that it has been found. I can now pay rent, cable and electricity bills again! Also, this morning's lift was pretty good, though I'll be a little sore tomorrow. and though it did take a few hours of procrastination to warm up, the French thing got written in about two hours last night.
We've been emailed that tomorrow's nov-varsity Fun Day workout will be running. Such is life sometimes.

Oh, and ladynomi, I realized I couldn't even go to Screw no matter what. I'm doing a crew fundraiser and then is INITIATION. I am pumped beyond belief to see these ones go down.

Now, I think I might get coffee to help me do some French hw before TCFI. It's a shame I didn't bring one of the teas I bought in Canada (maple- or ice wine- flavored ceylon), but coffee is always tasty -- especially the way I like it. Sure, I'll take some coffee in my flavored sugar milk.

hill_the_khore, I don't know if you actually got emailed this morning, but Dave did ask the other Aaron to email you asking if you'd be coming to class today. I know he covers with sarcasm, but he notices every time you're not there (he stopped counting after, I think, ten) and I'm worried what his policy is going to be for so many absences.

seriously, devnullpenguin, pull out all the stops tonight. I want to hear stories of a Speedo-clad pole dance at your bachelor auction. That'll get the bucks flowing, plant or no.

good day, my stupidity, food, friends, tired, booze

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