Blogging Essay Survey Questions

Oct 30, 2006 20:10

I need three respondents for this one, although I already have two volunteers. Have at it, y'all, and thanks in advance!

1) How many blogs do you currently have (and/or actively use)? If you have more than one, what purpose does having multiple blogs serve for you?

2) Do you use any sort of privacy functions on your blog(s)? For example, is your blog Friends-Only, do you use friends-only entries, etc.

2a) If you blog is Friends-Only, what made you come to that decision?

2b) If you use friends-only entries, why do you do so? What makes you decide that an entry is friends-only rather than public?

2c) Who do you try to prevent from reading certain things? What do you try to prevent those people from trying to read?

2d) If you post something personal, do you mark it as such in any technical way (e.g. tags, filters, categories)? Do you say something at the beginning of a post (e.g. “this is personal”)

3) Some journals and/or blogs allow for entries that are only visible by the user and are totally private. Do you use this feature? Why or why not?

4) Do you link to your blog/journal in any profiles or websites (i.e. facebook, AIM, etc)? What is your reasoning for doing so? Does this make your blog more public or private? Why or why not?

5) Do you think your blog is personal? Private? Public?

5a) Can blogs be personal (or private) if they are accessible by anyone? Why or why not?

5b) Do you post things that are personal? Private? Public? Why or why not?

6) Who do you think reads your blog? How many people do you think read your blog? Do you have any way of verifying that?

6a) Do your family know about your blog? Your friends? Employers/professors? Why or why not?

7) Are there situations in which you would be comfortable giving someone information in one medium (face-to-face communication, email, blog, etc) and not another? Why or why not? What sort of information?

8) What do you consider the purpose of your blog to be?

9) Do you have any other thoughts about the nature of your blog as it relates to privacy or public expression of personal knowledge/thoughts?

class, hw

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