'sbeen a few days. so here's an update.
stroking the boat monday was really, really nice. Maria and i decided we make a really good pair. stroking on tuesday was not so nice, because there was WAY too much rush on four and a half pieces, though one and a half felt good. today, i sat 2 in a guys' boat with andrew, z, and stan.
Our boys' technique is different from our girls'. and by "different" I really just mean "bad." they pause at the finish and again at arms away, then rush the slide to keep the rating. GAH. it was also the wettest row this season (with exactly six days of rowing, I know it's not hard, but..... SO SPLASHY!). also, the blister that formed on my right palm yesterday (clenching the handles due to rush-induced stress?) popped during today's row. Nasty source of discomfort, but I keep reminding myself that I missed it. which I did.
Tomorrow's a 6k. Ellen says I should aim for a 2:10. I'll try to hit sub 2:13. I have no idea how it will go... and yet, I'm not too nervous. I guess it's because 1) I know it'll probably suck and 2) Head of the Charles is not riding on the test this year. Maybe I'll get nervous later tonight, but for now it's a whatever.
The lovely AND talented
septicidal has assembled my desk. She says it was something like the feces of Satan, which is why I love her all the more for her persistence. And it's classy, pretty, and looks really good in my room. It's also really nice not to have to lean down to a shin-height coffee table to type.
septicidal's cat, however, loves to hang out in my room, which is not a problem, but weirds me out every time she starts to chew on plastic packaging. Lynn says that's just what she does. Lynn herself has been listening to a recording of her favorite songstress's "haunting and heart-wrenching" rendition of "Baby One More Time" for the better parts of an hour at a time for the past two days while
hill_the_khore sings from musicals and I wade through my messy room.
BNL and Carbon Leaf CDs were both released this week. I think I'll be off to Newbury Comics on Friday to get 'em. I've even got a coupon for the BNL. While in Cambridge, I'll definitely hit up the bubble tea place again. I just gotta! Also I'm stoked to take a Deis shuttle again for the first time in nine months.
Z may be coming over for dinner next week. Yay! (and now i'll have to differentiate my Zs -- zach (bro) and azeez (crew). I'll pretty clearly know by context, though.)
I've got Ave Jew photos up on Facebook. So does everyone else involved in the production (SO MANY cameras). oh, I miss musicals a lot. and ZOH EM GEE, cassie has some videos from one of our myriad sing-throughs up.
check them OUT. my British food already came in! sadly, the can of chocolate squashed hedgehogs all melted into one glob into the mail. Happily, they were in plastic within the can, so it's clean, and it's still tasty chocolate. the rest of the food is all fantastic, as well: Jaffa Cakes, Yorkshire tea, and other such tasties. I ordered a pack of mint chocolate digestives from somewhere else, and those should come in soon too. That's the most exciting part.
classes today: good. crashed in French (hey self, remember how you learned freshman year that you crash seven hours after waking up? don't schedule a class then, or else have sugar on hand). on order for the rest of the day: cleaning up the room, sending a resume to Rusmir, hanging up laundry (Jake and I went to the place on Moody St yesterday, not realizing it costs almost five bucks for a load), makin' a good dinner, and getting to sleep early for tomorrow's 6k.
maybe I will take intro to drawing... I'd need to catch up, but it would probably end up being pretty fun. I need to decide by tomorrow, at any rate. it's either an arts class or a QR, i think. i should most totally take algebra 1. WHEEEEEE-OOOOO.
the muppets and farscape crossed over. aaaaahhhhhh! Create your own! Originally Written By
ga_woo, Hosted and ReWritten by