Today I'm getting enough work done to actually consider it productive! I've accomplished all the short-term tasks I needed to in good time, and am feeling good. Maybe I should start a habit of taking Ritalin when I get up instead of when I head to work -- screw conserving the extra pills. 'Course, that would mean that some days I'd be taking four a day. Maybe I should look into extended-release pills instead.
Tonight I'll see Wordplay with Lauren and Mom.
thebftb informed me of a Jewish hottie at the Rockies game. My hair will have to come down tomorrow.
yee-howdy! for a daily doubledose of rain and thunder.
Taken from
this post at
oh, the timing Short story: a Christian Book of psalms, circa 800-1000, was near-miraculously discovered by a construction worker while driving the shovel of his backhoe into an Irish bog.
And why do I think the readers of this journal will be amused by this bit of archeaological trivia?
The book was found open to a page describing, in Latin script, Psalm 83, in which God hears complaints of other nations' attempts to wipe out the name of Israel.
checking out political cartoons via an MSN link led me to
Though really, they're
just about all worth checking out. So are the
gay marriage ones.
Can somebody please tell me how to explain to my parents that three classes, a thesis, and 35 hours of extracurriculars a week means I won't be able to hold a job back at school? They're having trouble seeing my side.
Oh! And I almost forgot. Ol' Blue got a flat this morning. While turning into the parking garage at work, I must have hit right on the corner of the curb, because I felt a bump and heard a hiss, and had a rough time accelerating between there and the parking spot I found 50 feet away. As I walked away from the limping Volvo, a kind observer was quick to point out, "You know you have a flat tire?"
No shit! You mean it's not normal for the car to sit crooked on the pavement? Are you saying that it's supposed to be intact... like, without a finger-sized hole in it? Thanks, lady, you've just brightened my day!
also, have been losing my voice for the past few days. never a good.