agm and shenanigans

Apr 26, 2006 16:14

last night was quite the time.

highlights include Pete putting a box on his head, Ruairi learning how to use one bottle of beer to open another, Peter and Pete falling in love with Catherine, me and Matt having some sort of argument that completely exploded because he wouldn't let go of my wrists, the bushes, the broken swivel chair, and spending time in the dark taking random photos. I got some good ones.

a lot of beer.

today, meh. my hangover record remains spotless. Minoan lectures finally got REALLY interesting, just as classes ended. I think the prof expected an ovation when he said his last "thank you," and didn't get it.

tonight: gym. chips at the bar with ash (and diarmaid?). and IRB forms.

mama, get ready to send that klezmer.

thesis, classes, tradsoc, craic

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