i know it might be wrong, cause i'm in love with

Apr 25, 2006 18:26

dear aim express:
suck my left nut.

Dear E. Ferry:
you're AWESOME and make me feel a heck of a lot better about myself than Janet or Rick. nothing against either of the two of them, but you told me ... the answers to the questions I asked! (Gasp!) and suddenly I know I can get what the IRB needs in by Thursday -- now that I know word-for-word, form-for-form exactly what it needs. You rock.

no more letters can I devise. exchanged correspondences with Ferry, Rick, and Ray today, though. It makes me happy to be back in touch with Brandeis people.

know what else makes me happy? SPRING. omgasodfajvoiq3yrfqvpoeh54ioethvs9vthw49eirudvfg!!!!!!1!
Seriously, right? By the end of every winter I've resigned myself to leafless trees for eternity. Then Spring shows up and proves to me the existence of life! Rebirth, reblooming, growth, new beginnings, and even some endings. and i thank You God for spring.

accidentally deleted Stacy's Mom from my computer. Boo! can anyone get it to me? email, yousendit.com, or any other method.

It's sooooooo short.
translation: it's almost all above my shoulders!
I can't really deal with it yet. I've spent all afternoon touching it. And my neck is really warm, but then, maybe that's just the temperature in the laptop room in Daedalus. it'd be so fitting if Daedalus was too hot... ha. ha.
anyway, pictures forthcoming. I totally have to show this shit off. Also? Fifteen euro. Because it was done by a student. but there was teacher supervision most-entirely the way through, and the teacher ended up doing half of it cause the student never had before, so she showed her. It's layered, thinned, and SO wavity-curlity!

Also I discovered the joy of Abbey Street. A used bookstore (including buying back used books) and the Epicurean Food Hall (containing: crepes; Mexican food -- Diarmaid says that place is sketchy, but I'm wont to doubt any Mexican food you find over here; bagels -- no idea how good or bad they are; Asian food, Turkish food, Italian food, fish and chips....)
That's all I need to be happy. Books and international food. I'm going back there any time I'm in city centre.

TradSoc AGM tonight. Though we've to vacate the student centre by 10, we'll just go somewhere else. I printed out eighteen pages of song lyrics so I can sing along (and start my own) tonight.

food, hair, letters, spring, deis, thesis, books, music, tradsoc

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