happy easter! the easter bunny came and gave me candy and socks and NEW EARRINGS that i love.
last night we went to Zanzibar, but it was all dirty inside: the floor and the people (more skeevy old guys than young hot ones). I feel like there are a lot more internationals than Irish at that bar. But after we got back, I made chips, and they were perfect, and that made me happy. I also got the inspiration to make chicken salad after discovering that my light!pesadeka!mayonnaise is surprisingly good.
Lost my claddagh ring after the seder, but it's somewhere in the flat: I noticed it missing the next morning and I hadn't left the flat since the seder or anything. It's probably somewhere around the floor of my room, but I don't know where and it's making me crazy.
Ash is making a big dinner tonight. I'm going for that jog today. And writing essays!
Working on (almost done) the Paddy's pictures in my gallery. Give 'em a
p.s. OMG i have my icons back. Not getting over that for a while. Wheeeeeee!