take my icons!

Jul 05, 2005 17:57

I have made some amusing icons for y'all's taking.

They are stolen from the Two Towers Engrish site, which was taken down due to copyright law, but a mirror exists here. (go, go, GO, everyone. Gah.)
I hope I'm not infringing on anything by messing with and iconifying them. all I did was resizing and then moving the captions.

(I am currently using "made of love." because... how CREEPY.)

also, a random chicken.

and, an edit to someone else(I forget who)'s work (is that illegal, if I can't remember who I took it from?) that makes me all farscapeskushy inside...

Curiosity: can anyone tell me what the alt text part of the LJ image tag actually does? *shrug*


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