exo; eloquence

Aug 31, 2012 18:32

sebaek. nc-17. 1074 words. baekhyun fingers sehun in the shower. (originally posted at seoulfulness)

There comes a grunt from the back of Sehun’s throat when Baekhyun pushes him flat against the wall. It is merely an action of necessity - Sehun is a squirmer. Baekhyun is well aware of this, and Baekhyun doesn’t wait for him to actually start squirming - Baekhyun tackles him into the tiles as soon as he has rinsed all shampoo from his hair.

It’s an eloquent grunt. (Perhaps more so than Sehun’s regular attempts at expressing himself.) It’s a grunt of slight annoyance. It tells of mild embarrassment, of hormones, of boners smushed against cold tiles, of swallowed words and swallowed pride and the pain of being the youngest amongst twelve that should, in the grunt’s humble opinion, should be considered equals.

Baekhyun pays it no heed. Baekhyun grinds Sehun a little tighter into the wall, with a certain amount of difficulty slipping a hand under his arm and up his chest, snaking slick with water until it finds a nape and lets long fingers wrap around a slim throat. A little too harsh, maybe, but the twitch that runs through his own cock when he gets to dig his nails into thin skin is too delicious to pass up on.


“What?” Sehun huffs out, cheek not-so-gracefully pressed up against a white square of tile.

“Spread your legs a bit.”

The tip of a tongue slips out to wet Sehun’s already wet lips as he immediately shifts, inching his feet further apart and tilting his butt up against Baekhyun’s crotch in a way that is just absolutely endearing and fucking arousing at the same time. Baekhyun presses his knee into the juncture beneath Sehun’s thigh, letting his cock slide in between Sehun’s legs as he jerks his face to the side with two fingers at his chin.

Sehun laughs; a series of silent, rhythmic breaths stuttering out of his opened mouth. “You’re so fucking…”

“What?” Baekhyun says, and he would really like to kiss him. He would like to press harsh lips against lips and feel Sehun’s tongue in his mouth, but angles. Also height. The skin tastes of water as he latches on to the side of Sehun’s chin, pressing down with his tongue before letting teeth scrape over the curve of his jaw.

“…I dunno.” Sehun says, and Baekhyun squeezes at his throat to pull another grunt out of it. You’re such an annoying little prick, the grunt says. And you get off from the weirdest things, you know that? Like feeling the tiles against your arm, cold and clinical. Your thigh between my legs, pretending you’re in control. You like that, don’t you think I know? But it’s okay, I don’t give a shit. As long as you get on with this already, just get on with this already.

You’re one to talk, Baekhyun wants to say, but doesn’t. Instead he tries to catch some skin between his teeth, (fails,) and inches a tad of air between them, just enough to slide his hand down. Middle finger slick, the others just wet with water, drawing a little trail down the small of Sehun’s back. The thumb darts out behind to lap it up - mustn’t waste - just enough to circle before the middle finger slips in.

Sehun is already squirming. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, resulting in a quite undignified swaying motion considering the distance between his legs. Baekhyun presses his chest against Sehun’s back, hard, and Sehun stretches up the wall like a cat. Shut the fuck up, says the muffled grunt. Just shut the fuck up, just fuck me.

Baekhyun shuts the fuck up, thumbing at the tip of Sehun’s spine and noting merrily how well his crotch fits against Sehun’s hip and how well his cock slides against his skin like this, oh yes, why not.

“Fucking-“ Sehun barks out. “Don’t hump me-”

Baekhyun idly curves his middle finger, second knuckle just sharp and deep enough to draw a whine from Sehun that he later would ever so adamantly deny uttering. And more squirming; hips working as if they have a life of their own, hands scurrying for purchase on the flat, unforgiving wall, head tipping back just as Baekhyun’s tip forward, fitting so well into the curve of Sehun’s neck and skull. His fingers crawl up Sehun’s throat, hooking over his chin to pry his mouth open and he eases out a languid groan against Sehun’s shoulder as high-pitched little stutters blend in with the whirr of water behind them.

“I- Y- Fu- Gh-“ Sehun says, and it hits Baekhyun that it’s probably good that Sehun isn’t very coherent in situations like these, because if he was, he would probably choke out frogs like I love you or Marry me or equally unfortunate phrases like that.

“Mm.” Baekhyun hums in half-hearted agreement, tracing the line of Sehun’s bottom lip with one finger and fucking his ass with another, working the knuckle forward and Sehun closer into the wall.

“Fuck.” Sehun whimpers.

“Mm.” Baekhyun says again. “I know.” The back of Sehun’s leg grazes the skin on the inside of his thigh and something jolts in the pit of his stomach, smug and shameless. He sort of wishes he had more hands, like one to graze the skin on the inside of Sehun’s thigh as well, so he can feel it too. Another to hold around Sehun’s throat, pressing down just a little bit, but not enough to produce actual discomfort. And one to jack himself off. He glances down towards his dick, currently turning a merry shade of purple against the pallor of Sehun’s skin. Sehun’s tongue darts out and laps against his fingertips.

“I’m.” He says simply.

“Mm.” Baekhyun says. “Do it, then.”

Sehun shifts on his toes, pressing back against Baekhyun and managing just enough space between himself and the wall to wrap his hand around his cock. Baekhyun watches his elbow jutting out behind him, shuffles so small and quick it’s practically vibrating, and tries to match his movements with it. He bites down on his bottom lip and rocks into Sehun’s hip, (just because he likes the image of it,) curling his finger - just a little harder, just a little sharper, just a little faster - and Sehun sobs helplessly in the back of his throat.

Baekhyun presses a little kiss to his nape when he comes.

“Just let me know when you’re ready to suck me off.”

nc-17, exo, boys

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