exo; most beautiful girl

Aug 24, 2012 18:20

girl!baektao. r. 681 words. for anon who wanted muscular girl!tao with her tiny delicate girlfriend.

Baek just barely reaches beau before Tao groans and pushes her away. She’s heard it so many times she’s not even sure what the words mean anymore, they barely register in her brain, they’re blank and dull and stupid. Her hand molds over Baek’s collarbone, jutting sharp through her pale skin, and all in the same moment Tao realizes that she’s being a little harsher than necessary and wonders distantly if she’d be able to laugh it off afterwards, hurrying to force a faint groan-like giggle out of her throat to prepare for it although it fits bad and jams itself stuck somewhere by her tonsils. She realizes how her own body stiffens.

Baek ignores it all, immediately pressing closer and sneaking her hands back around Tao’s waist. “Taozi.” She repeats, voice muffled against Tao’s shoulder-blade.

Tao’s arms fall limp against her sides. One part of her is stubbornly indignant and angry ( - angry at the injustice of the world, at the circumference of Baek’s wrist, angry at herself and angry at Baek for never taking her seriously although she’s not sure she wants to be taken seriously at all maybe she just wants to hear those dull words over and over and over until she might finally believe in them and she is so angry at how things can never be like you want them to be, why can’t they just be how you want them to be for once - ) while another has already resigned, resigned long ago, resigned even when the thought first appeared in own head because she knows how this plays, she knows how Baek deals with her insecurities whether she likes it or not and she can tell herself it’s not gonna be like that this time, they’re on their way out, and she’s not even in the mood, and she won’t give in, and, it’s not gonna happen okay, but she still only finds herself standing there, listless, noting the warmth seeps into her crotch as Baek draws blunt nails over the lines of her abs, realizes how it was just waiting for its cue to pour out, realizes how she was just duped by her own cooch. Well, shit.

“You trimmed.” She says instead, deadpan and lame.

Baek laughs breathily against her back, and Tao swallows as she feels the tip of a tongue come out to lap at the skin, just shortly. The nails scrape against her belly. (And Tao hates it, hates how it’s too hard and defined and, and - masculine, after over ten years of martial arts, hates the shape of her biceps, hates the width of her shoulders, hates how Baek barely reaches up over her neck while pressed against her back.) “You complained.”

“I only-“ Tao starts, voice embarrassingly high-pitched, but she swiftly falls quiet as the fingers slip down, going straight beneath the waistline of her jeans. No notice, no warning. Baek - delicate, gorgeous, confident Baek - doesn’t ask if she doesn’t have to. Tao groans, and doesn’t even bother to resist (well, what-the-fuck-ever) as the other hand pops the buttons of her pants; the first sneaking further down, middle finger skimming along lips and then slipping between them, deftly finding the pearl of nerves where they join. Tao’s hips buck - too early, too sensitive - and she glances at the clock by the dresser. Half an hour till Kai comes to pick them up.

Who needs make-up. They look fucking fabulous.

“If you’re gonna do it.” Tao sniffs, pulling away just enough to tug the jeans down her legs. “Do it properly.”

Baek grins wide, rubbing the tip of her middle finger against her thumb. She doesn’t ask before kissing her, tippy-toed, arm wrapped tight around Tao’s neck and mouth hot and wet against Tao’s.

“Taozi.” She says, and here they come again; those blank and dull and stupid words. Tao hums noncommittally, tugging Baek’s hand towards her again and spreading her legs just a tad, sucking the strawberry lip-gloss off Baek’s thin lips. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world.”

exo, girls, boys, r

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