[Wally has a ridiculously sweet, complicated alcoholic drink in hand which is the latest in a long, long line of drinks he's had tonight. Enough that something that he wouldn't really consider normally (not with Venom anyway), not only comes to mind but seems like a really awesome idea.
Which means that in the space of a couple of seconds the drink goes from being in his hand to being tipped sloppily on Venom's neck.
It probably wouldn't help even if he had remembered to explain what he was planning first.]
[It wasn't a word so much as a disgusted noise that left the assassins throat the second something wet and sticky ran down his neck and back. Normally, this instance would only lead to mild irritation and some quick words to the offender. But Venom had had alcohol and alcohol made him angry.
He did not turn to the source quickly. He turned very, very slowly, aura burning with an unmeasurable amount of hatred as he stared at the redhead.
Then he forcefully threw his glass at the man standing behind him. And he screamed.]
[Superspeed means he can dodge the glass easily. Alcohol means that he's not exactly coordinated about it and staggers into the man he'd just tipped alcohol all over.]
[The man was spilling drinks on him, for fun, and was now touching him?! He had a strawberry in his hair! Venom immediately went to shove him away with his elbow, his other hand clumsily reaching for the briefcase on the bar-stool next to him. Unfortunately, he isn't coordinated enough to unlatch the thing with one hand at the moment, leading him to just swing the damn thing at Wally in an effort to make him back up more. What was wrong with this man?!]
[Wally staggers back from the shove, which is probably a good thing since the briefcase being swung at him is a lot more serious. And harder to dodge. He yelps as the corner catches him and stumbles over himself to get away further.]
[The source of his annoyance is still there. Why wasn't he leaving. Why was he still there.
The swirling balls of energy forming around the assassin were nice warning signs, or they would have been if he hadn't attacked first and warned later.]
Right, geez, okay! Geez, you loser guy with your loser... glowing balls. Glowing ball loser! I'm out. I am so out that you don't even know how out I am because I'm that. Out.
[And to prove his point, Wally superspeeds away, narrowly avoiding running into a wall on his way to bugging someone else.]
IT ONLY TAKES ONEpresidentninjaMarch 14 2011, 20:20:17 UTC
[Chipp returns from an argument with the bartender with tray clasped tightly in his hands- not that it does any good when he's swaying so violently. He stumbles over a chair leg half-way over, nearly falling flat on his face.]
What the-?! Who put that shhtupid chair there, huuuh? Geeze, what an asshole...
[He waves drunkenly at Venom and then staggers over.]
Hey, man, gimme a hand here...
[As he goes to sit down, he misses the stool completely and crashes to the floor, the tray going flying. Somehow, however, he manages to catch every one of the glasses before they hit the ground. Go figure.]
OH COME ON, IT WASN'T EVEN THAT BIGanemptydecapoMarch 14 2011, 20:26:48 UTC
[Contrary to popular belief, Venom was not only rage-filled black-hole when intoxicated. He was also incredibly mean-spirited. Seeing the self-proclaimed ninja land messily on the floor did not worry the assassin--he only laughed, almost cruelly so.
Though he did momentary leave his seat to give a hand. And by hand, he took one of the glasses and sat back down.]
IT WAS SO YOUNG, HAD SO MUCH TO GIVEpresidentninjaMarch 14 2011, 20:33:41 UTC
[Thankfully, Chipp's way too far gone by this point to notice that Venom's laughing at him. Or maybe it's just that he's too distracted by the sheer amount of alcohol in front of him.]
I didn't say it was... baka.
[Pleased at his somewhat gratuitous butchering of the Japanese language, he arranges the glasses neatly on the bar and then puts a sake bottle right in the middle.]
Venom. Look, dude, if you're a real man under all that shhtupid hair you'll do sh-shots with me.
IT HAD NOTHING TO GIVE TO THIS SOCIETY. NOTHING.anemptydecapoMarch 14 2011, 21:29:49 UTC
[Truthfully, he'd already been sipping on the drink he'd stolen when Chipp declared it was time drink them. Instead of stopping, he continued the task, giving the man a scathing look from over the glass before finally speaking again.]
Zanuff. We already did that. That is why we are drunk.
[Sadly, Venom is not as entrenched in Japanese culture as much as Chipp is, leaving the terrible pun flying over his head. So as the ninja cackles to himself, the assassin only plucks an ice-cube from his other alcohol-barren glass and sets it on the counter.
...He didn't particularly remember why, but it felt like it would come in handy, eventually. So he leaves it there.]
You wouldn't like Venom when he's drunk.]
Which means that in the space of a couple of seconds the drink goes from being in his hand to being tipped sloppily on Venom's neck.
It probably wouldn't help even if he had remembered to explain what he was planning first.]
[It wasn't a word so much as a disgusted noise that left the assassins throat the second something wet and sticky ran down his neck and back. Normally, this instance would only lead to mild irritation and some quick words to the offender. But Venom had had alcohol and alcohol made him angry.
He did not turn to the source quickly. He turned very, very slowly, aura burning with an unmeasurable amount of hatred as he stared at the redhead.
Then he forcefully threw his glass at the man standing behind him. And he screamed.]
What the hell do you think you're doing?!
[Superspeed means he can dodge the glass easily. Alcohol means that he's not exactly coordinated about it and staggers into the man he'd just tipped alcohol all over.]
Heeeeey, it's just for fun!
Get out.
Geez, what's your problem?!
The swirling balls of energy forming around the assassin were nice warning signs, or they would have been if he hadn't attacked first and warned later.]
You are. Get out.
[And to prove his point, Wally superspeeds away, narrowly avoiding running into a wall on his way to bugging someone else.]
Where the spilled drink still lingered.
There wasn't enough curses in the English language.]
What the-?! Who put that shhtupid chair there, huuuh? Geeze, what an asshole...
[He waves drunkenly at Venom and then staggers over.]
Hey, man, gimme a hand here...
[As he goes to sit down, he misses the stool completely and crashes to the floor, the tray going flying. Somehow, however, he manages to catch every one of the glasses before they hit the ground. Go figure.]
Though he did momentary leave his seat to give a hand. And by hand, he took one of the glasses and sat back down.]
It wasn't me.
I didn't say it was... baka.
[Pleased at his somewhat gratuitous butchering of the Japanese language, he arranges the glasses neatly on the bar and then puts a sake bottle right in the middle.]
Venom. Look, dude, if you're a real man under all that shhtupid hair you'll do sh-shots with me.
Zanuff. We already did that. That is why we are drunk.
. . .
[... and then he puffs up his chest proudly.]
You might be drunk but I'm totally sober! Like he noodles, man, like the goddamn noodles! A great ninja ish a soba ninja- jusssh don't eat 'em!
[At which point he breaks down in hysterical giggles at the hilariousness of this joke.]
...He didn't particularly remember why, but it felt like it would come in handy, eventually. So he leaves it there.]
I understood half of what you just said.
I never understand anything you say, Venom, but you don't hear me bitching about it. Maybe you shhhould move your hair if it's blocking your ears-!
[Lightning-fast, Chipp lunges forward and pulls the assassin's hair into two neat pigtails. Aww, how cute~!]
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