Tri-x Wedding

Aug 27, 2008 10:35

Above is the paackage I received from Texas: the junk Cintar lens, filter and -- the 4 rolls of exposed film.
I developed the one in the foreground, green roll of 120 Tri-X Pan.
Tri-X is still in production but it is an old film -- the very first version came to existence in mid-50s.
4 and half min in HC-110 dil A at 50F/10C.
12 frames, one is emply -- probably due to flash problem.

Looks like standard wedding shots. Hairstyle and closes resemble late 60s.
Time can be read off the woman's wrist: 5:45PM

This is common "I'll feed you the cake" ritual. Time is around 9PM, it is dark outside.
Young woman changed the dress and re-styled her hair.

Must be wedding gifts.

The strange thing about this roll is the fact that it was not developed.
It is unusial for a found film to be like this -- i.e. exposed professionally, probably on paid assignment.
May be something has happened to the photog or to the clients?
And their time coil up into the green/yellow paper and had been put on the shelf -- forever.


120, tri-x, hc-110, tech-tip, 60s, found film

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