This post is lo-ong overdue.
I developed this roll of Kodak Verichrome Pan more than 2 years ago.
It has popped out of Kodak Bull's Eye Brownie camera found on eBay:
The camera was covered in fungus. The fungus as white as snow and as hard as stone; impossible to clean.
There were young faces on the roll, many of them, all with guitars.
Here how they can:
and here:
and even like this:
There were few more frames with teachers (?)
This part has suffered great deal from fungus and the look was...strange:
It is easy to guess by young woman's styling: early 60s. Camera had been in production from 1954 till 1960.
According to
>>this<< topic on forum some of the guitars were made by Gibson for Dwight's guitar store in Illinois and dated 1962.
...must be one of the kids (per free reaction of the subjects and low point of view).
Nevertheless, all the frames were carefully composed and flash was used on every and each of them. I received it in a box with the few unused "blue dot" lamps and instruction. The film was inside camera, never taken out.
That's how it was: somebody would push the button; flash lamp would explode, sending flames and tiny glass pieces into the frame. One more time, one more:
- "Joe, -- stop this, you're spoiling the picture!"
- "Come on, snap me, just me, not them!!"
“Sooner or later they all be gone.
Why don't they stay young?”