Aug 31, 2005 18:46
Everyday in the news we read about all the violence, distruction, all the negetive aspects of our world. We watch them on the news, we hear about them on the radio, and read about them in the papers. Especially inlight of this hurricane where all we hear is one more death. So here is my proposel that each and every one of us do something to make our world a little better. We all have gifts and talents, so lets use them for the better good of everyone. I say that we make a commitment to our skills to put a little bit of good in our hearts and minds. Whether you are simply just praying for someone, or giving some a smile in the hallways of school. The point is we can all make a small contribution, every good deed matters. I want all of us to think of something it doesnt' have to be a huge world changing something but just something that would help the greater good of man. We are called together to be the body of Christ. So instead of all the violence and correption, lets bring joy or even just a smile to another. Everything matters, whether again it is a prayer or a smile, or an encouraging word we are all in this together. So why not make it a little easier.