Nov 27, 2005 18:39
Can someone explain to me the Jehovahs Witnesses? I mean what is it with these people that they feel perfectly comfortable going door to door annoying the shit out of 9 of 10 people who answer it? And that 10th person is either a Jehovahs Witness or incredibly lonely. Yes, it happened to me again. The lord called and I clomped down two flights to hear a couple of women ask me if I think the world sucks because it does but it's OK because the late great JC will come back to fix all that and hand then me a copy of the Watchtower. What other fucking religious sect does this? It's very much like spam showing up at my door. They might as well have told me I can get bigger shlong or a cheaper Rolex along with my salvation. Next time this happens I'm going to answer the door in a leather manthong, a whip, and a bottle of gin and invite them right the hell on in.