Aug 03, 2000 23:09
"Jica" wrote an entry here, on Open Diary, that listed all of her nicknames and different faces, sort of. And talking to Mooskers this afternoon, online, I decided that it would be kind of interesting to do the same. I hope Jica doesn't mind. Here are my nicknames, and their origins, in no particular order:
--Sax (a stem from my online screen name, and Bernadette in New Jersey. This is my second name)
--Saxy (endearing name, from Lisa and Petey in South Carolina and England)
--Sax Woman (part of my online screen name)
--Sax Shrink (my band staff name this past year, chosen by me)
--Doodles (Mom)
--Doodlebug (Grandpa)
--Pumpkin (Grandpa)
--Doodals (Grandpa)
--Biiiiiiiitch, said in an ascending voice (Evelyng from Band)
--Skank (LeeAnn from school - "Mewchu14" on OD)
--Wench (Wren, Kim and Barbara in International Relations)
--Lila-Egis (Brian - my 11 year old neighbor, in honor of all of my correct answers while watching "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Samantha and he both call me this often)
--Yo' (Ivan, from band)
--Potty or Potts (Rachel from school)
--Whorch (Evelyng, from band)
--Sandy (At a next door neighbor's party, one of her guests was trying to call my attention during a game of Taboo, a very loud guy, and he screamed out while banging on the table emphatically, "Hey you! Sandy!" Of course, Brian, Samantha, Jackie and Jorge were there, and they stilll call me this on occassion; Brian does a lot)
--Laylo (Jackie)
--Lilo (some weird girl on my block whom I don't know thinks my name is Lilo)
--Layla (Jackie)
--Leela (Jon Ellison from band)
--Raggedy (Jackie, Brian and Samantha)
--Lydia (LONG STORY - a ficticious name that I hid under during an audition. It will be the name on my band staff jersey this coming year)
--Schnoodles (One of my mom's boyfriends, George, called me that as a variation of "Doodles")
--Snooky Bear (Mom)
--Doodles Boo (Mom/Grandma)
--Sailor Venus (LeeAnn and Jon said that's the Sailor I am - although I despise Sailor Moon)
--Boo Bear (Grandma)
--Baby 'D' (Aunt Crystal and Eli)
--Juny Bug (Aunt Crystal, Eli and Ralphy)
--White Girl (Priscilla, Jennifer and Rachel)
--Mario (my chosen character in Mario Party)
--Da' Juney (Aunt Crystal)
--Lily (my Algebra II teacher, Mr. Lawless)
--Lilac (Genny Breuer, whom I grew up with, and also my first grade teacher)
--Vinegar (Brandon Baer, a close friend of mine in the past from Judo)
--Sport; Sweetie; Hun (Mr. Ward, an 8th grade teacher)
--Whine (Tim from Judo)
--Sweetie (Lisa from South Carolina)
--Lifesaver (Mrs. Doucha from school when I helped her correct the problems she was having on AOL)
--High Strung (my former band director, Mr. Shane called me this a lot)
--Baby Girl (Lisa's 8 year old son, Austin)
--Judo Chop (various origins)
--Fromage (Okay, Geo, here you go. Geo in my Ju-Jitsu class called me this)
I think that just about does it, however, as I think of more, I'll certainly put them up here. Most of these names are all really special and endearing, some with great stories about them. Almost all of them make me smile, though. Thanks, Jica, for this idea.