A fitting end to an awesome year

May 16, 2005 14:31

So yesterday was probably one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long time. Believe it or not, it started with a trip to the Memorial Art Gallery downtown. I had to go there for my final paper for Fine Arts. We had to view an exhibit that displayed works by Russian and American artists that related to post-cold war conditions. It wasn't entirely too exciting, although there were a few pieces I enjoyed, probably because I saw deeper into them, like Y. David Chungs "Hoodoo Series". But I figured while I was there, I should take a look around, and was pretty impressed with the rest of the museum, including some ancient Greek pottery and sculptures.
After that, we came back and then went to brocklisoup's for a Beer-B-Q. A decent amount of people from floor and Shannon came. We just sat around and relaxed for like 3 hours. Towards the end, we went inside and invented couch darts. It consisted of us being too lazy to get up to shoot the darts, so we shot them from across the room while remaining seated on the couch, then the loser had to go get the darts, and the winner got to relax, drink, and then go against the next person in line. While the scores weren't too high, it was very, very entertaining.
After that, it was time for bowling. Again, a lot of people came, and it was very enjoyable. I bowled like crap because of a jammed finger I suffered at our grass vb tourney last weekend (not to make excuses or anything, heh). Shannon and Brock had quite the epic battle the second game, pretty much going strike for strike, until Brock fell behind about halfway through and could't come back to match her 180.
After that, it was time for poker. I must say, some people have quite impeccable timing, but it all worked out in the end. It was a rather small game, but still a lot of fun. I think that I knocked every person out, and some were pretty tough calls. One hand that was particularly nasty came between tomp, Neil, and I. I was small blind and got 3-4 off suit, but I had about half the chips on the table, so I could afford to call some crap. Flop comes 2-3-5. This put me in a decent spot, with a pair, and a straight draw. There was some light betting, but nothing major, so I stayed in. Turn comes with a 4, which gives me 2 pair and the board straight draw. Tom bets like he has at least the straight draw, and so does Neil, but I call representing my straight as well, hoping if they didn't have it, I would scare them out the next hand. Well the flop came with a 4. Now how could that possibly help anybody? Being in first position, I check. Tom bets high, Neil calls, I know they both hit their straights, because nobody in their right mind would have stayed in that pot without it....or something better ;) I doubled the bet, and Tom realizes what I hit. Him and Neil both called, but knew what happened to them. "Did ya'll hit your straights? Good, 'cause I got the boat." Erik and I decided to split the pot $20-$10 after a half hour of head to head because it wasn't going anywhere fast and it was already 2am and I wanted to get into bed.
All in all, it was an awesome night. I am definitely gonna miss floor this summer, but next year is looking to be just as much fun.
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