(no subject)

Sep 19, 2011 15:46

He struggled, though he knew it was useless. The three ROOT Ninja holding him would not let him breathe deeply, much less given him an inch to escapee. His arms were spread, hands crushed in and iron grip to prevent him from moving his fingers. Someone, he didn't know who with the masks, had his head yanked back, fingers tangled painfully in his hair. Another had his jaw locked in place, insuring that his attempts at struggling barely resulted in a twitch.

It was a hard thing not to do, struggling. Even when he knew he was helpless, knew that nothing he would do would have any effect at all. He still had to try.

He had to try, even if it failed, even if the searing pain and the blood and the- shock, his body was trying to go into shock, head trauma and blood loss. If he fell unconscious it was likely he was going to die. Would Danzou dispose of his body or just leave him here for the crows? - terror that wouldn't leave him along any longer than the ROOT-Nin would.

For all the pain the scalpel and the helplessness were causing, Danzou had found a more insidious and dangerous weapon, something that he couldn't escape from.

The entire time he worked, Danzou spoke, truth hammering away at his brain, at his loyalty, at his conviction.

Itachi-kun, Itachi, Itachi, Itachi, no, no, no no....

The hands vanished with a suddenness that left him lurching forward, hands going to his eye in a lingering animal instinct to protect an injury. To try to stem the flow of blood. Was the eye still there? He was too scared to check.

Had he flickered? Had he managed, somehow, in his panic to transport without seals? Did it matter? The part of his brain that had been trained for crisis knew he needed to stop the bleeding. That he needed to report to Fugaku-sama.

But that trained, distant part of his brain was dimmed by blood loss and betrayal, the words that escaped were those of the teenager he was, desperate for someone he trusted.

"Itachi..." he swallowed, blood and bile sour on his tongue. "Itachi..help...please..."

His words echoed away, there was no answer.
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