It's the 10th day of the running of
forvixx's 2014 Halloweeen Exchange, which means we've finally reached the end of it. You can now re- or crosspost your fics to your personal journals and other networks as you’d like.
We thank all the participants and their betas for the hard work they've put into the fics for the exchange and thank you for coping with the mods throughout it. It's been a long run, more than 142,000 words has been posted, but we hope all of you came out of the exchange thinking it was a nice experience. An extra big thank you to
the_resolver and
chulminator, who stepped in as pinch-hitters and wrote two fics!
Feel free to befriend the other participants of the exchange by sharing your twitter, tumblr, or wherever else to find you in a comment on this post! If LJ should happen to mark your comment as spam, the mods will make sure to unspam it for you.
Lastly, please remember, there is still one fic left for
vixxsix that will be posted later this week. It will be added to the masterlist below at the same time. Once again, we're really sorry for the wait.
Han(ting) Sanghyuk by
yummydaLeo/Hyuk / PG-13 / Sanghyuk's new apartment was practically perfect, but there's this odd smell and his things keep ending up in the wrong place. / for
the_resolver A Haunting in D minor by
omoidendoLeo/Hongbin / PG-13 / leo really hated his friends / for EVERYONE
Fire Rides by
chulminatorLeo/Hyuk / PG-13 / demon!au, sanghyuk pulls taekwoon into the human world for halloween and they end up in a bit more trouble than either of them had expected. /
omoidendo DAY 2
Ghost Facers by
airedisRavi/Hongbin / G / Sanghyuk decides they absolutely need to go see the Pokemon Tower and Wonsik sighs a lot. /
digipeddler Dead Last by
hakkais_shadowKen/Ravi / PG-13 / Sometimes even amongst misfits there are ones who just don’t fit in. / for
samfrack Almost Home by
llamachanKen/Leo / R / Ken's path was laid out for him, or so he thought. A change can be something as simple as going out on a Friday night. / for
hakkais_shadow DAY 3
There Are Things We Must Remember by
namikaze-jkcHyuk/Hongbin/Ken / R / Sanghyuk didn't intentionally mean to summon two demons, but somehow here they are, standing before him. He especially didn’t count on having any relations with them either. Aka Sanghyuk and his demons over the span of five years. / for
lordofthegayest Allure by
kongsooksN/Hongbin / NC-17 / Hakyeon thought Hongbin's costume suggestion for him was a joke and Hongbin is very persuasive. / for
apeunde Last Call by
chulminatorN/Leo / PG-13 / it's hard for a human to work in a bar for supernaturals, especially when one of the regulars have their eyes set on you. / for
sugamin DAY 4
Oh the Magic that You Are by
apeundeN/Hongbin / PG / it's not hakyeon's fault his spells always go terribly wrong. / for
candyguts Candy Corn and Cat Ears by
the_resolverLeo/Hongbin / PG / Leo gets his first proper halloween. / for
kongsooks Ave Atque Vale by
citrus_sarangKen/Leo, N/Hyuk / PG-13 / Mortal Instruments!AU. There’s a warlock that lives on the corner between the ramyun shop and the seamstress’s store; there’s a young man with dark, swirling tattoos that finds solace in him. / for
aquilaprisca DAY 5
Sundown, We Meet Again by
candygutsN/Hyuk / R / hakyeon was born to be loved. sanghyuk is born again and again, just so he can love him. / for
quotidianue Into the Darkness We Go by
exothermcKen/Hongbin / PG-13 / “you’d think we’re shadows,” he mutters. / for
chulminator Two Worlds by
digipeddlerLeo/Ken / PG-13 / Fairies and humans were not supposed to get along / for
citrus_sarang DAY 6
Talking to the Dead... by
the_resolverN/Leo / PG-13 / Hakyeon returns and how things have changed. / for
airedis Vampires Don't Glitter by
samfrackLeo/Ken / PG-13 (R) / Jaehwan has a vampire kink and Taekwoon, like most Jaehwan related things, can’t take it seriously. Neither does anyone else. / for EVERYONE
Sub Zero Heart by
aquilapriscaLeo/Hyuk / NC-17 / Sanghyuk lived with a warped sense of reality, and Taekwoon was everything he wanted to be, forever stained in blood. / for EVERYONE
Let me be your wings by
sugaminN/Leo / NC-17 / Hakyeon opens his eyes and stares right into Taekwoon's-they are full of warmth and affection, and Hakyeon suddenly doesn’t feel scared anymore. / for
yummyda Look like th' innocent flower, But be the serpent under 't by
lordofthegayestKen/Hongbin / PG-13 / Jaehwan tries to resist, but his belief in fate is too strong. / for
exothermc Deadboy by
vixxsixLeo/Hongbin / PG-13 / “I had a dream that I was dead,” Leo said conversationally. / for EVERYONE
It Ghost Like This by
quotidianueN/Leo / PG / When someone with the worst hair Hakyeon has ever seen moves into his old home, he is anything but impressed. / for
namikaze_jkc DAY 10
The Silence by
forvixxmods (J)
N/Leo / PG-13 / The first time Hakyeon heard him sing, or rather the first time he would remember it, his mother died. / for
llamachan .
Thank you everyone for your hard work and #HAPPYLEODAY! ♥(Ɔ ´ 3 `) ´▽ ` C)♥