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northwind-gale 1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee
PIPLUP! OMG I just realise this is my only Icon not related to YGO in some way… seeing that I'm involved in more than just that fandom that seems quiet pathetic in a way… I need to look for more icons
I painted that one two years ago, when I was just waiting for Daimond and Pearl to be released. And since I totally love water types (whether Pokemons or YGO-cards or whatever) it ended up being my main-icon. Until I joined this place and came up with my new nick Icey (and FINALLY got Icemaster, which is kind of what I based my new standard-icon on ^^)
My multi-fandom and pissed-off icon! I so knew it would come XD
A lovely piece of insanity that I have no excuse for XD.
After watching 46 preview I and probably half the fandom, wether they admite it or not was like: OMG SS-Yusei!
And after watching Episode 46 I still was like that (even though his reaction was totally justified).
Result was this:
I've been thinking about putting it up at Riding Duel or PtdC, but I'm kind of shy about these kind of things.
Who knows maybe I'll still do it ^^
I made this one after watching the new scenes in my absolute fav opening Last Train - Atarashii Asa and finding them awesome!
And really the twinscenes are LOVE! Seeing them jumping and drawing and AFD and PTD coming still makes me go awwww!
My SHY!Icon
I usually use it, when I post stuff like fanfics and-arts that I feel unsure about.
Made because I love Carly and angsty Carly/Jack; and although the scene in 47 was not quiet as heartbreaking as I hoped it to be, it's still lovely (and there is still time for more angst later ^^)
GLEE! Or just not-quiet-sane-Icon;
I took that one from
Used when my grin is about as wide. Because Crow has the best grins in the whole series (not counting Jeager of course; but Jeager is sorta scary)
*looks at the time* omg it's past 3am. Okay, I'm off to bed now ^^°