OOC - Relationships

Aug 21, 2020 13:23


Martel Yggdrasill (was dropped)
"She's been sent home four times, now. The Malnosso must really love messing with his head, because he can't think of any other explanation why Martel would arrive four times in the span of only three years, while he himself has been here uninterrupted. If Martel ever arrives in Luceti a fifth time, Yuan honestly won't know what to do with himself anymore. He still loves her- still wants to be with her, but he's convinced she'll just disappear again. The pain associated with that loss never gets any easier, leaving him to wonder if it's worth it to get close to her at all."

"He's been sent home two times before now. Both times, he'd shown to be the same vengeful control freak he was before Lloyd defeated him. The third time isn't a charm. Mithos is still a spiteful little bastard who enjoys making Yuan miserable. As such, Yuan intends to stay far away from him. It's just not very effective, as he keeps running into Mithos and somehow, their encounters always turn into a battle. One of their confrontations even resulted in Mithos's death, the penalty turning him into a bit of a cripple. Yuan feels it's his responsibility to make sure the little prick doesn't go around hurting people. His life would be a lot easier if Mithos just learned to behave himself, but he knows better than to hope for that. He's convinced that Mithos is far beyond salvation."

"Despite all the rough patches they've been through, Yuan will always consider Kratos to be his one true companion. He knows Kratos won't be there when he returns home, but he still considers the man to be the only real constant in his life now that Mithos is gone too. Kratos is the only person to understand what Yuan's been through, and thus the first person to run to when he needs advice. It seems that ever since Kratos was sent home for a while and returned half a year later with more limited memories, their friendship has gotten a lot shakier."

"Yuan sees a lot of Mithos the Hero in him, which makes him fear Lloyd could one day grow up to become like Yggdrasill. The main difference, though, is that Lloyd has friends who wouldn't stand for that and would stop him before things escalate out of control. Most of the time, he finds it hard to see the resemblance to Kratos. Lloyd kind of looks like him, but his nature is completely different."

Colette Brunel (was dropped)
"She reminds Yuan a lot of Martel, both in appearance and mentally. While at first reluctant, he's come to accept that Colette wants to be his friend. Still, he's not about to head into a field of flowers to search for four-leaved clovers with her. She'll have to settle for a grumpy, somewhat awkward friend."

"Yuan's come to consider Raine as a sister. While this may have been set in motion by the age experiment, it's only been strengthened by the way she fusses over him when he gets hurt. Sometimes they can get along and sometimes they bicker, just like real siblings. She can be very wise if needed, but she should really look after herself more."

Genis Sage (was dropped)
"If anything, Genis amuses him. The kid may be small, but he can have a big mouth and enough brains for two. Plus, from what Yuan can tell, he has promising skills in magic too. Though the bond isn't as strong as with Raine, he considers Genis somewhat of a little brother by default."

"Somehow, he keeps meeting Sheena under the most unfortunate circumstances here in Luceti. Whether it's after she's fallen into a hole, or after he's been injured somehow. At this point, Yuan isn't bothered by it anymore. They both have horrible luck, so he can sympathize with her. Though she's awfully forward and snarky, which can easily get on Yuan's nerves. Their 'friendship' (if you can call it that) took a turn for the awkward after the Valentine's Day experiment in 2011."

Zelos Wilder (was dropped)
"Yuan thinks of this guy as nothing more than a nuisance. A loud, arrogant one. A lot of Zelos's attitude rubs him the wrong way and he's certainly noticed that Tethe'alla's Chosen is the kind to hold grudges."

"They hardly ever talk and Yuan's fine with that. Regal may have good intentions, but he doesn't quite seem to get Yuan."

Presea Combatir (was dropped)
"He knows virtually nothing about Presea, really. To him, she's 'that girl who traveled with Lloyd and his friends but never really speaks her mind'. He was wary (and somewhat sympathetic) of her that time when she appeared in Luceti without a Keycrest- lifeless beings never did sit well with Yuan, after all."

"Ohsnap. Yuan's especially cautious about Ratatosk. He knows how vicious that spirit can be and after how the Kharlan Heroes betrayed it, the trouble has only increased. If he can ever find a way to get rid of Ratatosk without any harmful consequences to Aselia, he'll take it."

"Ratatosk's other half. Emil seems to be a pretty kind boy, if not oblivious and easily hurt. Basically, he's Ratatosk's opposite. He reminds Yuan somewhat of Colette, though Emil's lack of determination and cheerful nature makes all the difference. He wishes the kid would pull his act together. It's depressing to watch one of the most powerful Summon Spirits act like a wimpering little boy."

Richter Abend (was dropped)
"He's heard stories, but he hasn't properly met or investigated this Richter fellow too much. He'll definitely keep an eye out for anything suspicious, but apparently this guy 'changed his ways' and isn't too much of a threat anymore."


"Albert was the first person Yuan actually allied himself with in Luceti and that's what makes him special. The man has proved himself to be capable in many ways, doing justice to his title of War Strategist. That's why Albert is one of the few people he'd actually follow orders from. Yuan values his opinion and in a way, he's even reminded of Kratos."

"The younger Silverberg brother, who seems to be just as capable as Albert himself. The boy's got a completely different attitude, but after the Yggdrasill and Sage siblings he really isn't as surprised that the younger brother is snarkier than his older sibling. He expects to see a few more great things from Caesar while he's here, even if said things are executed by Albert's orders."

"A descendant of the angels who comes Derris-Kharlan's future, visited Aselia and apparently has the ability to travel through time. If his words are to be believed, he's fighting to protect the Yggdrasill Tree from yet another war (when will humans learn?), which is a big plus in Yuan's opinion. If anything, the fellow Seraph is a strong ally. Dhaos is awfully curious about his people's origins, though, which makes Yuan a bit nervous."

"The best way for Yuan to describe Jay is 'nosy'. The kid's very forward and the fact that he's a self-proclaimed information gatherer doesn't bode too well either. Even so, he's a bit amused by Jay's efforts, so he isn't entirely bothered by it. So long as Jay doesn't start prying into Yuan's private affairs or history, it's nothing to get worked up about."

"Grune is, in a way, a very frustrating individual to Yuan. She just seems so oblivious to her surroundings that he can't help but wonder how she's managed to stay alive for so long. Her mellow, trusting nature is extremely reminiscent to Martel and her amnesia (or whatever it is) certainly isn't helping her case. Of course, this only leads to Yuan checking up on Grune every so often, because he just can't stand the thought of her getting hurt."

"Yuan and Naoto first met during the infamous "Luceti Valley" experiment, where she became one of his two Alternate Universe daughters. Since then, they've gotten along quite swimmingly. He knows Naoto is curious about what sort of person he really is, but as she hopes to become a detective that's quite understandable and doesn't mind her questions too much. He simply chooses his answers carefully."

"Yuan's known Giles for quite a while now. Of course, he doesn't know most people refer to him by his last name and tends to just call him "Rupert". He appreciates Giles's calm and friendly demeanor, and knows the man wouldn't ask intrusive questions. It's one of those 'don't ask, don't tell' companionships."

"Sayo's another member of his Alternate Universe family from the "Luceti Valley" experiment- namely, his mother. Having never truly met his real mother, Yuan feels guilty for the way he treated her during the experiment. He'd like to get to know her better and sometimes worries about her memory problems, but at the same time he feels a bit awkward around her and knows that she's still very close to Mithos."

"Yuan has no clue what to think about this kid. At times, Sokka seems overly optimistic, though at other times it seems he's smart enough to grasp the severity of a situation. They've run into each other in hectic situations before and the kid's shown remarkable battle skills, but Yuan wouldn't approach Sokka to start conversation."

Usagi Tsukino (was dropped)
"Usagi was one of those unlikely friends you only find once in a lifetime, and incidentally the first close friend Yuan made in Luceti. She's clumsy, cheerful, optimistic and even lazy. In short, the complete opposite of Yuan. Still, he valued her friendship, despite how they constantly teased each other."

Zoisite (was dropped)
"This was the most complicated relationship in the world. Not to mention awkward. On the one hand, Zoisite constantly got on his nerves. But on the other hand, Yuan was constantly worried the guy was going to get into trouble or disappear entirely. Which he did."

Cooro (was dropped)
"Yuan first met him through Martel, who'd basically adopted him as a son. While he was hesitant to look after a young boy at first, he soon accepted Cooro as a member of the family. Cooro isn't such a bad kid and he knows how to behave himself, unlike some other snotty runts Yuan's seen running around the village. He looked after the kid for a while after Martel left, until finally he was sent home as well."

Kadaj (was dropped)
"Yuan tends not to get involved with the 'villains' of Luceti, but there was a line and Kadaj crossed it the moment he killed Martel. If that guy ever comes back, he'll be sure to keep a close eye on him."

Yazoo (was dropped)
"Kadaj's older brother who apparently saved Martel's life at some point. He doesn't hate Yazoo as much as his younger brother, but he sure as hell doesn't like him either."

Needs more interaction before being able to form a decent opinion: Jade Curtiss, Arche.

Last updated: 29th of December 2011.


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