Video Recording: 001

Jan 16, 2011 22:03

[At first, there’s only static with glimpses of a shadowed face between them and crackling audio. You can’t tell the gender or age of the voice - its raspy and deep, but almost purposely so]

What - this - where -

[Given a minute, the visual problems cease and a young person in a soaked peacoat and cap appears, standing on the shoreline. Though difficult at first glance, after a second you see the person is a girl by the way she juts her hip out slightly to one side and the slight swell of her chest, made clearer by wet, clinging clothing]

Where am I. [She stands, looking around, eyes moving quickly in all directions to take in everything she could without moving too much. They linger on certain things, gloss by others quickly] This isn’t Inaba. [Her surroundings don’t look like Japanese beaches; the water is turquoise and the sand white, idyllic. She sees the SFC, nestled carefully next to her foot.]

What is this . . . [She bends down, slowly, hesitantly, than determinedly takes hold of the SFC. Beneath the brim of her hat, her face turns blank, misty-eyed, and she begins to twirl the device over and over in her fingers] A . . . star-shaped cell phone? [She shuts her eyes and water drips down her cheeks] If I have been kidnapped, there is no reason for them to provide me with such.

[She opens her eyes, and proceeds to dial the police department, but hears not dial tone. However, a list of contacts have been pre-programmed in, and she becomes absorbed in looking at the names and numbers]

what is this nonsense, !video

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