This is a little advance warning, to long-time readers of the
Phrontistery, that I will no longer be featuring linguistic content from my Livejournal page on the homepage of the site. In other words, if you're reading this from the Phrontistery homepage, or if you use an RSS feed to read Phrontistery-related material, very soon, you won't be able to do so. Instead, I strongly encourage readers to visit my blog,
Glossographia, which has a large amount of content relating to language and linguistics, going back to 2008. I am looking at options for embedding content from the blog at the Phrontistery homepage (i.e. replacing the Livejournal content). While I had originally thought it wise to try to keep the Phrontistery separate from my academic life, this decision has come to seem increasingly short-sighted and insular over time. It has also proven impossible, given my professional commitments, to manage two entirely distinct sets of language-related essays, with the result being that I have done neither one well. Consolidating is an attempt to make it right. Rest assured that nothing else is changing at the Phrontistery; in fact, I hope that making this decision will allow me to manage things more effectively in the months to come. I hope you will read my work over at Glossographia.