City Mouse Temporarily Leaves City

Sep 19, 2004 20:11

Four day weekends are awesome. Workers of the world, we should unite and demand that all the three day holidays already extant (the rapidly approaching Columbus Day comes to mind) get bumped up.
So my plans for the weekend revolved around a trip to New Jersey with Bob for noneother than that annual pastime, shopping for work clothes. We hit up the Willowbrook mall Friday and despite my eagerness to spend, spend, spend on the work-appropriate attire, I left with a single skirt from my old stand-by The Gap. Was it on sale, you ask-you betcha.
Next it was off for Marshalls mayhem where after perfunctory perusals of the men's section Bob would help me scout out potential items off the women's racks. Oh the pleasure of having one's own personal shopper! The kid had talent, too-last year he found a DKNY tweed wrap skirt regularly priced at $100 marked down to thirty bucks. This weekend was not our weekend, however, and I only ended up with one collared yellow top. At least it met my new criteria of "I need to have more bright clothes to wear to work," a rule I instituted when I realized that I wear too much black for someone who works in an elementary school.
Saturday we hit up Target where as usual I spent a large wad of cash on a mix of essential items (Rold Gold Honey Wheat Twists-for some reason my Key Food does not carry them, even though they should know by now that they are the bomb) and completely unnecessary niceties (My Little Pony psychedelic 70s-looking sticker sheets from the Dollar Spot!) Due to what must have been some sort of good traffic karma we made it back to Brooklyn in record time, and actually caught the 8:48 train out to White Plains for Bob's cousin's birthday party, even though we didn't make it out of Jersey until after six.
The party was fun. I broke my usual rules and mixed beer, liqueur, and two tequila shots, but I didn't even end up that drunk. I guess maybe I was pacing myself a little bit since I decided I didn't really want to get too hammered in front of some of the other party-goers, which included two of Bob's aunts and his seventeen year old cousin. It worked ut well for us that Bob's aunt was there, because she made us take her phone number in case we missed the last train, which we did. We contemplated taking a cab back home since I was without contact lens solution, but when we found out that was going to cost $90 we decided to spend the night in White Plains after all. Well, Bob's aunt actually lives in the bordering town of Hartsdale, but you get the idea.
I finally made it back to my apartment after one today, and did my usual exciting Sunday things I do, like changing sheets and towels. Tonight I have big plans to perhaps watch the season premiere f The Wire on HBO since my brother recommended it to me, and then if I'm not too tired I will probably head over to Bob's, assuming he's back from the library. Actually now that I think of it he drove into the city today so he can pick me up. Sweet.
If I had ended up with my own class this year I'd probably have done lots of work this weekend, instead of just buying another picture frame for my new desk at Target. So everything comes up Millhouse for the moment.
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