Fic: First Times

Aug 06, 2015 08:00

Title: First Times
Username: lrthunder
Pairing: Neville/Ginny
Type: Het
Prompt #: 90 - this image
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:1,452
Warnings/content: semi-graphic sex, infidelity
Summary: Many first times of Neville and Ginny's illicit relationship as seen through the years.
Notes: Rating just to be safe.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.

The first time Neville kissed Ginny Potter, it was at her wedding. Harry had gone off to mingle with Ron and Hermione while Ginny greeted the other guests. Neville had spirited her away for some privacy. They knew they didn't have long, but they took advantage. As much as he wanted to back her up against a building or a tree and shag her senseless, he knew that could rip her wedding dress. So, Neville settled for snogging her.

Ginny took advantage of his hesitation and backed him up against the tree, grinding against his body as they kissed. She moaned as he ran his hands through her hair. Finally, she pulled away. "I wish we could have more time."

"I know. You're married now, Ginny," Neville said sadly.

"You had your chance, Neville." She didn't say it meanly, but rather matter-of-factly. They gazed at each other longingly one last time before she hurried to join her husband. Neville waited a minute to avoid any suspicions.


The first time Neville had seen Ginny Potter naked was an accident. Hannah, his wife, had decided to conspire with Ginny to throw a joint birthday party for their husbands. Naturally, the party included a generous amount of Firewhisky. By the time they were finished drinking, hardly anyone could stand up straight.

The sound of snoring permeated the room. Neville noticed it was coming from Harry and Hannah. Harry was face down on the sofa, while Hannah was slumped against the wall. Neville took the opportunity to look for Ginny.

"Stupid bloody wankers," he heard her voice from a bathroom. He walked in, expecting Ginny to be washing up.

"I hope you're not talking about me," Neville said. He knew he should have knocked on the door, but he didn't care.

Apparently, neither did Ginny. She pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. They didn't bother speaking. Instead, they started kissing passionately, picking up from where they had left off at Ginny's wedding.

Neville would have loved to have done more than snog, but they knew their spouses could wake up any minute. Neville had to content himself with fondling Ginny's breasts as she smacked him lightly on his covered arse.

"You'd better rejoin the others. I don't think either Harry or Hannah would like it if they caught us here," Ginny said. He suspected she had wanted to do more as well.

"Fine, but soon, Ginny, soon."

"Soon," she agreed.


The first time Ginny had seen Neville naked, on the other hand, wasn't an accident. As a student, Neville had never been an avid flier. Even when he had led Dumbledore's Army his seventh year, he still retained a small fear of flying. However, as Herbology Professor, he had learned to conquer that fear. While he would never be as good a flier as Harry or Ginny, he had gotten better at it.

On the weekends, he would often fly a couple of laps around the Quidditch pitch. He loved the cool breeze against his skin as the sun rose. He would go to the Gryffindor changing room to shower. It was there that Ginny walked in on him.

Normally, Harry and Ginny would visit Hogwarts. Harry would visit in his capacity as Head Auror. He would come up once a month and inspect the school's defenses. While the headmaster was in charge, Harry would help bolster the wards if needed. Ginny, on the other hand, would come to Quidditch matches, scouting for the Harpies. Even though she no longer played for Holyhead, she was still on the payroll as a scout.

Normally, Neville would know in advance when they would come. But apparently, Ginny had decided to surprise him.

The sound of the shower spray deafened him to any footsteps. His only warning was her hand on his shoulder. He jumped, surprised by the touch. He turned and saw Ginny. "Ginny, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you. Harry will be here shortly, but I thought I might have time to join you in the shower," she said, undressing.

Neville suspected this wasn't a good idea. "Won't he get suspicious?"

Ginny sighed as she removed her bra. "I think he's already suspicious. Things aren't going well between us."

Neville understood. His marriage with Hannah was failing as well. Fortunately, she didn't suspect he harbored feelings for Ginny. If she did, that would have made things worse.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he handed her the soap.

"Don't be. It was good while it lasted. We have three beautiful children. I guess things just weren't meant to work out," she replied as she lathered her body.

Neville wondered if he should take things further. While Ginny's marriage with Harry wasn't strong, there was also a chance it could improve. If Neville took advantage, then he might never forgive himself.

"What's the matter, Neville?"

"Nothing, Ginny. I'm just thinking."

"Then could you wash my back please?"

His doubts began fading as he washed her back.


The first time Neville shagged Ginny was when James was assigned detention for jinxing the Slytherins' brooms. Maybe James had been jealous that the Slytherins had gotten better brooms than Gryffindor. Neville had overheard James muttering something about Malfoy's father, much to his brother's annoyance. The next thing Neville knew was that the Slytherin brooms were veering off-course during their match against Gryffindor.

Harry had been furious, and rightfully so. Neville remembered when Harry's Nimbus 2000 had been jinxed and how Harry had almost fallen off. As Harry pulled his son into an empty classroom after the meeting with the Headmistress, Neville could hear some shouting.

"Is Harry yelling at James?" Ginny asked, walking up to Neville.

He shook his head. "No, I think it's James."

She winced. "If Harry's not shouting, then it's not good for James. Our children would rather him shout. When he's really angry, his voice is so soft that you can barely hear him. His eyes also blaze furiously."

Neville wondered if Harry had used any of those tactics in his recent fights with Ginny. "Did Harry…?"

She knew what he was thinking. "No. In fact, I almost wished we were screaming at each other. It's almost like we only co-exist now, instead of living together. I think we're going to have to divorce."

Neville sighed, blaming himself. He wondered if Harry knew about Neville's flings with Ginny over the years. "Ginny, I…"

Before he could say anything else, Ginny pulled him towards her and kissed him. He moaned as he felt her hands roam through his hair. As they snogged, he felt her hands tug on his robes.

"Not here, Ginny," he said.

"Where then?"

"My room."

"But Harry could…"

"It sounds like the two of them could be in there for quite a while," Neville replied. "Besides, even if he does find us missing, he can't get into my room."

That convinced Ginny. She allowed him to escort her to his room. They practically flew down the corridor, not caring if any student or teacher caught them. Once they were inside, the door closed and they were in each other's arms once again.

Their clothes flew off their bodies as they hurried to his bed. Neville was soon inside Ginny, thrusting furiously into her. She screamed, first clawing at his back and then messing his hair again. She clung tightly to him as they continued shagging.

This was a moment that was long in the making. Neville wanted to take his time with Ginny. He wanted to explore and worship her body properly. But he knew this wasn't the time or the place. Judging by her actions, he suspected that she knew it wasn't the right time either.

Time flew by. Neville's clock chimed, then chimed again. Before he knew it, he was alone in his bed. He watched Ginny dress. He wanted to stop her, but he knew Harry would be looking for her soon, if he wasn't already.


"I know, Neville, but I have to go," she said.

"When will we see each other again?"

"I'll be up to watch the children in the Quidditch matches."

"You know what I mean," Neville said.

Ginny sighed. "Soon, Neville. We can be with each other again soon." With that, she finished dressing, looking at him lovingly, then left.

Despite his disappointment, Neville knew she was right. They would see each other again someday. Someday, they would be back in each other's arms. He longed for the day when her hands would be in his hair once again as they made love. With that, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

!round: 3-neville, character: neville longbottom, pairing: neville&ginny, rating: nc-17, character: ginny weasley, type: het, fanwork: fic, by: lrthunder

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