Art: Green Thumb

Aug 05, 2015 08:00

Title: Green Thumb
Username: mayfly_78
Pairing: Neville Longobottom, Alice Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom
Type: Gen
Prompt #: 18 - Of all the flowers in Neville’s garden, his favorites are the ones he’s been tending since he was four years old -- the Climbing Roses his mother planted.
Rating: G
Art Medium: India ink and watercolours
Warnings/content: far too many roses, fluff, memories
Notes: Sorry for not being able to include all the requests of the prompt, but I really wanted to do a sweet feell-good piece.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.

!round: 3-neville, by: mayfly_78, character: neville longbottom, character: augusta longbottom, type: gen, rating: g, fanwork: art, character: alice longbottom

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