Finding a place to be me

Apr 24, 2012 09:16

I used to think I was the odd one out.

I struggled to find others who watched the shows I liked.  I'd listen to others talk about the latest episode of whichever 'popular' program had been on the previous night and I couldn't join in.  I had no-one to talk to.  I had ideas about missing scenes, character backgrounds, what happened to them after the credits rolled, what happened in the long weeks between series and shows, and no-one to share them with.

Then, in a roundabout way, I was introduced to fan fiction then forums and suddenly I had a place where I fitted in.

For a long time I lurked on the edges reading, well more like devouring, everything I could find.  I was, am, in awe of many writers and almost convinced myself that I was destined to be a reader, kudos-giver and occasional commentator.  No way could I write anything close to the works I enjoyed so much.  Then a good friend, in a totally unrelated conversation, told me that until you actually try to do something, you won't really know if you can or can't.  I've had enough "what-ifs" in my life because I've been afraid of what I think I can't do, so I thought about her words very carefully, eventually deciding "what the heck".  I'd be anonymous.  I had nothing to lose and so much to gain.

So on 11 April 2012 I posted my first ever, very short, basically a drabble, fic "Look, Don't Look"  ( It is M/M though very mild.

Encouraged by the feedback I took a deep breath and made a commitment to myself to "have a good crack" at writing.  I've got two longer fics in progress, one for Lewis, one for Midsomer Murders, and a page of prompts, quotes and ideas.

A flash of inspiration on Sunday resulted in "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", a Christmas fic, which is either very early or very late, depending on your point of view.  I did try to find another holiday or event to set it around however Christmas was the only one that really worked.  (  This is also M/M, adult concepts - just so you know :)

I'd just like to say thanks to a power higher than me that I have found a place where I can be me, my shelter from the storm. :)

newbie, lewis, fic

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