Definitely had a dream last night where Chuck Norris was torturing me and was going to end up killing me. I escaped by becoming invisible, because that's clearly the only way you can escape Chuck Norris.
In addition, we're learning how to say "I like" in Spanish. (Me gusta for the untutored.) One student came up to me and said: "Me gusta boobies." After I stopped laughing (he was referencing the breast cancer awareness bracelets which are way more sexist than they are for breast cancer awareness promotion), I told him that he should probably not say that to a teacher because it could be taken as sexual harassment. Also, we're learning actions, not objects, so he should pick an action. I stupidly assumed he'd pick from the teacher-approved list on the board. He then earnestly replied, "Oh, okay. Me gusta kissing girls."
I love these kids. Holy shit. FUNNY.
So, yeah, this is where I've been. Sleeping and teaching. Hopefully one day I can rejoin you all in the land of 10 minutes + of free time.
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