I just realized that I haven't posted in here in forever, and perhaps I should. The 4th of July weekend was spent going out of state to meet Boyfriend's parents. Which I was a little nervous about, but I figured they couldn't be that different from him, right? Turns out they aren't, and they seemed to like me just as much as I liked them. Which is a very, very good thing... Monday and Tuesday nights I also spent with Boyfriend. I quite like it, but as I said to him, "The neighbors are going to start thinking the house has been reposessed or something, because I'm never home and the yard is all overgrown!"
Tonight and tomorrow night I'm supposed to spend in work-related stuff because it's the big quarterly company meeting with Team Building Actitives and Corporate Retreat Functions, but...man, I do not want to go. I have SO MUCH TO DO. One of the evening activities (a boat ride on the Mississippi) is something I'd like to do, but with friends, not co-workers. Thursday night, though, is a trip to the modern art museum (which I do not like) and dinner at a downtown restaurant that I've only heard negative things about.
Don't mind me - I'm just a bit whiny. This weekend is also TCFKAR, hosted by the lovely
aelora , which I really really wanted to go to - I need some relaxing fangirl squeeing. However, the unexpected expense of two out-of-state trips when my grandfather died in May meant I couldn't afford a plane ticket. I'm trying to buy my ticket for ComicCon but of course, the affordable tickets are at inconvenient travel times. Plus I'm getting nervous about it, because I realized I'm more excited over hearing Neil Gaiman might be there for a panel on Coraline than I am at the thought of seeing Heroes promos. And Neil Gaiman actually lives in my neck of the woods, so I don't have to travel across the country to see him. Plus, my two favorite shows this past season, Moonlight and Jericho, are both gone. Oy.
Maybe I'm just coming into a depressive time. Hopefully it will be over soon. I think I need to pick up the Jericho season 2 DVDs and make Boyfriend watch them in a marathon this weekend. That would cheer me up immensely. I've already decided I'm going to order a t-shirt with a Ianto quote for ComicCon; I think I need to pick out a Hawkins quote as well...