Dec 28, 2007 02:23

Just got back from six days visiting the parentals out of state.

With, as it turns out, no internet access.

Repeat: no internet access.

Ahhhhh, sweet, sweet LiveJournal.  And Gmail.  And the StarTribune website. How I've missed you. I will hug you and kiss you and call you George.

Also, the cars have to be parked on the west side of the street so they can plow the east side tomorrow, and I managed to get the car stuck in the one single snow drift on that side.  But, you know, I'm not going out there with a shovel at 2 AM when it's 19 degrees Fahrenheit.  The British Advertising Awards tickets are for 1 PM, I'll have plenty of time to dig it out tomorrow before we go.

I think I need to go get some sleep now.  *pets the internet connection*

my head is going to explode, woe despair and agony on me

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