Christmas cards, anyone?

Nov 07, 2007 22:22

I've been meaning to do this for a week...I'm making up my Christmas card list, and if anyone would like a card from me, please leave a comment with your name and address (comments are screened on this entry, so I'll be the only freak who can see them). Christmas is the only holiday I really get into--I love shopping for presents--and I generally send out funny cards. Though last year, I sent out some gorgeous pop-up ones with snowflakes that I bought at...the Detroit airport. There's some seriously good shopping in that airport. And an indoor tram that makes me feel like I'm on Trantor. But I digress.

I normally resist doing anything Christmassy before Thanksgiving because I think it dilutes the fun of the season if you spread it out over 10 weeks, but last week I was driving home from work and they were apparently testing out lighting on the new pedestrian bridge over Hiawatha Avenue. I really hope that's what the final product will look like, as in the daytime it looks like a wrecked ship whose mast is tilted over. But the lights were gorgeous and blue and reminded me of my usual Christmas lights, and it flipped a switch somewhere in my head and made me wish it were winter already. I got a new phone very recently and am still trying out all the features,'s a picture of the bridge taken with the new phone.

And, just for the hell of it, because he was behaving nicely for once, here is Emmott.  Did I mention the camera phone does not have a flash?


holidays, cats

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