The obligatory Heroes reaction post

Nov 05, 2007 23:58

I hadn't mentioned this before, but when we first glimpsed the paintings, a number of people were discussing whether the guy holding the gun was Sylar or Peter.  I thought...???  The guy in the painting clearly had curly hair, and skin about 5 shades too dark to be either of them.  So I was very happy to get confirmation that it was indeed Mohinder.

I still keep feeling like they're randomly beating the characters with a stupid stick.  HRG really should have given Mohinder tips on how to be an agent, like, "Don't talk loudly about how you're working to bring the Company down, while standing in the middle of a Company facility, with the damn door wide open".

And Peter is being stupid, too!  My God, Peter, don't you know anything??? SHOUTING ATTRACTS ZOMBIES!!!

I honestly don't think they could make West any more stalkery to me if they tried.  Hey...Claire just pointed out that it's rude [and creepy] for him to show up at her house like that!  There may be some hope for her after all.

I refuse to recap Parkman.

Wow.  Hiro recovered from that opium even more quickly than Sylar recovers from curare.

Peter is really bothering me because although I do not like him... I didn't previously think he was stupid.  However, he gets dragged into an involuntary industrial-strength shower after finding a notice about an "evacuation order", and then has someone ask why he shows no symptoms of infection...and yet he still asks what's going on, in a voice that makes it plain he has absolutely no clue?  Also, I think they missed a prime chance to go the Enterprise decon chamber route here.  I mean, they kind of already had a blue light going on.  They just needed to put Caitlin and Peter in skimpy underwear and have them rub gel on each other.  What?  It would have been hotter than T'Pol and Captain Quantum.

And speaking of Caitlin, my first thought upon hearing of her deportation order was, " about servicing the fangirls.  I know several people who will rejoice over this sudden and painless exit."  But then my second thought was, "Wait a minute...they're living in quarantine, but yet they deport people? Doesn't that mean intercontinental travel is going on?  Which increases the chance that new strains of the virus will be brought into the city?  I'm just sayin'."  This was also the point where D texted me to say, "Hey, do you think maybe that decon shower washed away her fake Irish accent?"

Once again, I refuse to recap Parkman.

D.L. Hawkins!  I'm so glad you came back, even if you were just here for a moment and you were merely a Mauryllusion.

Back to the future.  Holy shit.  When the Shanti virus goes to bed, it checks under the bed for Angela Petrelli.

Mr. Muggles!  You make every scene better!  And wow.  West looked genuinely upset.  Everyone had talked me into thinking he was a Company plant...perhaps everyone was wrong to do that.  Do you hear me, everyone?  Huh?

Hiro.  Gunpowder.  Lantern.  Oh, for pete's sake.  This is reminding me of so many shows and movies where the woman has the gun and just lets the bad guy walk up to her and take it away from her.  THROW THE DAMN LANTERN DOWN AND BLOW THE PLACE UP!  Sarah Jane Smith would do it, and she can't even teleport to safety!

So why exactly is Bob spilling the beans about Peter to Nathan?  Please tell me there is some method to his madness, because it kind of felt like he was only telling Nathan because it was convenient for the plot for Nathan to find out about Peter right now. Also, I'm liking Nathan more all the time; he continues to convincingly feel as if he's barely holding on to his sanity.

Parkman saves the day.  Look, show, you've already made me dislike him so intensely that I cannot feel any happiness or interest in this, because he has not previously demonstrated any sort of ability to learn from his mistakes.  Therefore, I can't feel any emotion when he claims to feel bad for having manipulated Molly into the position she's in now, or any hope that he might actually extend his ability and do something useful with it, because his track record tells me that in two weeks he'll be stupid again.  After all, this is the same man who, in 5YG, watched "Nathan" pull Peter through a solid door...and yet turned around and kept following his orders.

I was actually a bit disappointed that Niki didn't stab Nathan with the virus needle.  Nothing against Nathan; I just thought it was going to fit in with Angela's statement that Nathan died in the first outbreak.  I realize that it doesn't preclude Nathan contracting it and dying anyway, but I briefly thought that Nathan being stabbed was going to be the first (if somewhat obvious) brick in that future wall.

Bob wants Mohinder to bring Claire in.  Wow.  Just wow.  Plot elements finally starting to lead to a conclusion organically and yet in a totally unexpected way.  I knew that HRG's ordering Mohinder to do things he felt were wrong/bad would end up pulling them apart, but I never thought it would pay off this particular way.  And yet, despite being irritated with Mohinder for betraying HRG to someone who isn't any more trustworthy...I could completely understand what led him to do it, and it felt like a decision he would come to.  Also, I was just saying this afternoon that right now, although he may have people he's allied with, Mohinder is still almost as emotionally isolated as he was when he first encountered "Zane Taylor" last season: he still doesn't have any real friends.  (I don't count Parkman as a friend: pretty much every scene they've been in, they've been in conflict.)  Tonight just intensified that.  I'll be interested to see how that plays out.

Previews for next week. One of these things is not like the other...  I'm gonna be brutally honest: I have NOT been wondering "who Elle is".  In fact, I had forgotten she was ever on the show.

Also, all through the episode, they kept running an Amber Alert for a teenager who apparently was forced into a car by her estranged boyfriend in St. Paul this afternoon.  That makes it really hard to relax and enjoy a silly fictional TV show.

tv: heroes

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