Reality checks

Oct 23, 2007 10:12

So I was driving to work this morning and my brain just wouldn't stop grousing about last night's Heroes, and how I'd loved the first four episodes of the season and been completely psyched for this one, but ended up hating it.  And I was snarkily thinking, "How did this show go from 60 to zero on me in under an hour?"

That's when I saw the metal cables on the fence that divides the east and west lanes on the freeway pop upwards, and a car come hurtling through the median.  And luckily, my car can go from 60 to zero in far less time than a TV show.

The other car somehow slid to a stop perfectly perpendicular to the traffic lanes, with its nose just touching the yellow line that marks the left lane off from the shoulder.  It was almost like some sort of well-executed movie stunt.  Except that instead of a stunt man, there was a 20-year-old girl who jumped out in a cloud of airbag dust, ran to the front of the car and tried to push it backwards, looked at the giant scrape marks that the metal cables left on the hood of her car as she broke through them, and then sat down in her front seat again and started sobbing.

Another girl and I who saw it happen (I only saw her come through the median, the other driver saw the way she'd slid through three lanes of traffic before hitting the fence) pulled over and called 911, and a nurse who was on her way to work stopped too.  When a cop finally showed up, he essentially yelled at us for pulling over when "no one was hurt"--because, you know, who cares if the driver is so upset that she might have killed someone that she can't even hold onto a phone, let alone dial for help--and shooed us away, and we all left after the girl insisted she had calmed down enough to call her dad and AAA and would be okay.

I kind of don't really care about Heroes sucking, now.


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