Apr 19, 2005 00:41
Life works it's magics in time, normal people live in normal time, and blessed and cursed people live in Shakespearean time... the land of 5 minutes too fast, 5 minutes too late, I am a curs'ed one.
I do everything either too fast or too slow, there is no happy medium in my exsistance, and if I had oppertunity I would spring up like a cedar in days, but instead I bloom 5 minutes before daylight's end, and then fall to the darkness of the night, cold..and alone.
What I'm trying to say is, I wish I were normal, most people are, and good for them, happy with the minimum, or atleast content in believing that it's enough... but me, I reach only to get my hand cut off at the wrist... I have to find a way to get what I need from life, and fast, hope draws it's shutters on me and I only wish to know it's name... I need so many things from life, and I have to learn how to take them.
If Shakespear was god, I would be a bishop under him and the Fates and Irony and Tragedy would be my devils.
I've been ruined by Shakespear, his tales of love and passion have made me a loving and passionate person, but I find myself in a pig pen of human waste... here there is almost no love, no need, only self-indulgence, pain and wanting lust... and pestilance. I wish that one day I would find someone as broken by the rocks of reality as me, so that in being broken we may fix the wounds the world has given us by breaking societal laws of being, consumerism, sexism and coveting, by replacing them with involvement, care and need. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, or maybe I'm just a generic romantic in a world of broken people, forced to seem more then I should be romantically because people have forgotten how to feel approprietly, forgot about the sincerity of their emotions, or of those they use only to shed the pain they have suffered in their small almost meaningless exsistance. Or maybe I'm just a hopeless romatic afterall. (^_^)
Weither I am or not, I am not the problem, it is people who have given up on the ideals of romance that cause me pain, people that are so used to pain that the only way they can live life is to suffer one day at a time, and though I love to help, I also need help, I need love, I need to be needed and I need a holiday from suffering.
Life sucks, but living ain't so bad, you just need to realise that you are happy, reguardless of it's sucking total ass. If the world could just realise that, it'd be a better place, but the only time people help is when something horrible happens... maybe most of those horrible things could be avoided if people just helped in the first place... that's the real anti-terrorism, the real romanticism, that this world needs. If people would stop suffering, maybe they could fall in love, and stay in love... no more divorce, no more single mothers/fathers, no more broken childhoods.
I hate to say this, but humans are animals, maybe all this freedom is breaking our training... maybe people gave others too much freedom, not enough reason to stop doing bad things, maybe we need a trainer, a shepard to cull the flock... so many bad people, maybe if the world just said hey were feed up, do something about it, maybe someone could change us for the better... maybe more faith, maybe more love, maybe more oppertunity and less freedom of "stupidity".. I mean choice. Maybe a serial killer deserves to die, maybe a child molester needs to be sent into general populace to get killed for what he did, maybe people that do wrong shouldn't have the same rights as those that suffer through life the hard way. I hate the world for what people have done to it, and now for what they are doing to us. People live like kings and others live off of scraps, because it is the way we were raised, to be greedy, to want luxury, to set up a cushy future... while others suffer or die because they can't get one dollar to feed themselves, because all the money they do get goes to alcohol to stem their suffering from what society forced them into... the pain of broken will, of the broken heart and of the bleak unsucessful future. People are giving up, more and more each day and it sadens me.
I keep fighting, as hard as it gets day after day, but with all this fighting I do that gets me no where, I do lose hope, only till I see a friend suceed, or hear that one did very well in his dreams, or that a person I care for is happy, then I get up and fight some more, I have a dragon in my soul, ever burning, waiting to break free, I will never stop fighting, even when my time draws close, I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to feel the light of love or pride of someone I care about...
Animals... too house broken and over bred. But the time draws nearer each day, when the world will say "enough is enough, pity the foo" and takes a large chunk of us out, and all that death and suffering will bring us closer... as it always does, and maybe then we can get back to simpler things, like acheiving goals and falling in love, working to live instead of work to just bearly live and make some other guy super rich...
I'd call in the apocalypse if I could (^_^), just to watch the change...
Life is short, we all die, how you feel about life doesn't matter, but how you live is everything.
Adam C Prince