Aug 05, 2005 17:40
{Private Entry}
I suppose I should have wrote in this sooner, it has been a long time since I have. I guess I just got out of the posting of my thoughts and feelings thing. That combined with this diary going missing. I found it in my trunk finally with Sebastian sleeping on top of it. That's about the 500th scratch he has given me by now, but at least I ducked. It'd look weirder on my face than my hand.
Time has past but I haven't really done that much that's interesting enough to right down. I did go to Hogsmeade a little ago with Justin. I wasn't going to, but I realized I needed more cat treats or my cat would start eating my doormates food, and that'd just get bad real fast. I managed to get my permission slip signed in time though, so off we went. It was nice, I was a little worried when Justin said we'd likely meet up with a bunch of Gryffindor's, but we didn't. I would have felt a little ackward had we done. I don't mind them if they're okay with me, but well... Some are just as bad as my fellow Slytherin's for House Pride and being rude.
My lesson's are going okay. I managed to aqquire some news insects for my collection, but I won't be able to get what I really need until it starts getting a little warmer. Until then I can just concentrate on my studies and at least I had time to move my eye collection to a larger jaw. They were getting a bit... squished, and would have been ruined had I left them longer. I suppose it would be easier to have more than one jar for keeping, but I wouldn't have enough room in my trunk.
They're trivial though. I heard that the Weasley girl, Ginny has gone missing. It's quite worrying, I don't know her exactly, but it is still a bad thing, I hope she's okay.
I suppose I should work on my DADA homework. Remus has been busy lately, and our night time meetings have been cut down... I enjoy the time we have together but I miss him.