AMBER I LOVE YOU ! ! ! ! ! ! !pixiedust16July 19 2004, 19:31:10 UTC
WOW!!! Ok I'v been gone off to CHURCH CAMP for a week and this is what i come back to. A whole group of people or maybee even the same person talking trash to my BEST friend on the INTERNET. your calling her names and calling her a chicken look at you. You should be ashamed of yourselfs. Amber knew she did the wrong thing but the good thing is it was just a BIG JOKE she NEVER even did anything with the guy. OK and COREY i had a TON of respect for you, but why do you have to come online and post comments this is between AMBER and COREY ONLY! it's no one elses buisness. this is AMBERS JOURNAL. If your sick of hearing this stuff then dont read the journal! It's hers! if you cant tell i'm really upset right now. I dont understand how a person could degrade another person so easily and for the fun of it. thats just point blank RUDE! you know what I say and you can think im the biggest dork or idiot but you know what? you NEED JESUS in YOUR LIFE!!! GO to church man for real. Amber I love you so much and I'm so sorry this has happened to you. but once again i must say leave the girl alone people. for real just sit back and think about it for a second ... would you like this to be happening to you? everyone makes mistakes! you probably have too! have you ever even had a thought about cheating? typed it on the internet to someone, even if you were joking? I'm shure some of you have some of you maybee even have cheated who knows. but if you have dont you think your bein alittle hipocritical. I'll shut up now. Just think about it and get a life and leave the girl alone. Amber I love you and im sorry this happened and dont listen to them, dont let it get to you cuz if it doeas thats just waht they are trying to do.
Amber I love you and im sorry this happened and dont listen to them, dont let it get to you cuz if it doeas thats just waht they are trying to do.
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