If I Were Rich. . .

Oct 23, 2008 20:11

The list of what I would do if I had money. They say money can't buy happiness, but I'm pretty damn sure it helps if you use it right.

- Take care of all the kids
- Buy the Niels ranch house in Texas
- Finish buying my dad's car wash
- Buy houses/apartments for my grandparents and mom
- Pay for Winnie's college
- Build a beautiful house for us and the kids
- Design it from the ground up!
- Green energy!
- Buy land in many different areas
- Build a cabin in northern Minnesota
- Build a family complex
- Open a rescue center for shelter animals
- Eat at all the best places - food makes me happy!
- Travel with my whole family all over the world!
- Donate to animal rescues and great organizations such as WWF and Nature Conservancy
- Adopt children
- Fund green energy research
- Donate to funds helping people throughout the world
- AIDS research & prevention, donate nets, etc.

That's what I came up with in 5 minutes. There's more, I know. Now, don't you think that would make you happy?
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